Entries 8
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Eighteen and Counting plus Forty
Hey friends how are we all doing this far? Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Our war full of frustration but we still managed to get through it If you somehow missed the last entry, or...
Fall and Other Pumpkin Related Things
Lots to cover, so buckle in! Howdy my friends, I hope things are going well for you all. We have been busy here pretty much since June lol. But I’ve not updated since August, which is pretty ...
Monday Afternoon Rambles
Hey friends, I hope you all are doing well over here in PB land. I’ve been hanging in there. Been a little busy but nothing too out of the scope of possible. I am not sure if you all remember ...
Howdy my friends, I hope you are all doing well this afternoon. I just got home a bit ago from my physical therapy. This was my 3rd appointment and it’s been going well, but I will get to that....
SUNCen Feeling
Howdy my friends, how are we all doing this Wednesday evening? Things are continuing to be good here. Randy has a big day at work tomorrow so we will see what happens then. I had my two dr. app...
Summer Vibes (Long As Usual)
Hey friends, how are we all doing this Wednesday morning. I have been awake for an hour or so at this point. Lately if I sleep until 8:30 or later, my whole body ends up hurting the rest of the...
Spring Thyme
Howdy friends, I hope you all are doing well. It’s been a month or so, but a lot has happened these last few weeks. Man. Ok so March nothing really crazy happens so much as we started gettin...
Silly O'Goofy
Sooooooo how is everyone lol. I was just coming to give an update, but I don’t really have one lol. I usually go back through my feed on FB and see what happened, and not much did. We spent m...
Book Description
Entries from my 39th year in existence.