Entries 9
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Perfecting Your Memory
I am surprised to turn and find you in the passenger’s seat as I drive home from my date. There’s many reasons why I’m startled to see you there. For one thing, you weren’t with me on the way the...
You never cared for Salinger, but for me, his books are my religion and my ballast. I return to them again and again when I feel lost in circumstances. You must’ve watched me re-read them at leas...
In Your Pursuit
The day of the fight, I don’t know what possessed us. Any of us. Your father, you, me. You and I were supposed to be leaving, heading out to visit my friends in Fredonia where I went to school. Y...
Bare Walls
I’ve been thinking about that trip we took to Brooklyn…It was the last time you looked at me through the tunnel vision of a loving spyglass, drawing me close by focusing in on only me. After that...
I remember him telling me a story about being at a bar in his 20s. He was there with his friend, Robert, whom later in life would only be referred to by the unfortunate name of El Dirtbag-o by Al...
Our Magpie Luck
Mostly, I try not to let myself think about you… but under today’s snowstorm, a sky full of doves shedding their cold white feathers, I thought about you… I was thinking about that one Valentine’...
Mais, Il Est Trop Tard Maintenant
A letter I wrote to my estranged husband before he was killed.... A., Even after all this time, whenever I’m at a book sale, I still always look for the Fante. It’s my thing. Actually, it was yo...
All Honey, No Vinegar
Yours is a haunting that I can’t seem to let go of. It was our anniversary on November 8th. Or would’ve been. I don’t know. I’m never sure if anniversaries continue to exist for widows of men who...
The Persistence of Memory
Your apartment is dressed in the shadows of twilight. Black sheets of it pulled down the walls, over the furniture. It hides the coffee cans of used syringes in the kitchen, the little metal weed...
Book Description
Writings about my dead husband from before and after he went to the beyond