
Well now

by Cobalt

Entries 119

Page 4 of 5

Esme, like most of her species, has an inborn aversion to water. Unfortunately, also true to her species, she is a slave to curiosity. Sometimes the combination of these two traits can get a si...

October 28, 2015

Concerning that comment

It was a private comment but it did make me think about what other people might make of my journal. Being what I’m thinking about tonight, that train of thought becomes my entry and most of my e...

October 27, 2015

I shouldn't be here now

I’m on a deadline. I should be working, working, working. I’ve got less than two weeks until my first craft fair, my first sales venue since Katrina, and I think I don’t have enough inventory o...

The kittens are doing quite well, thank you very much. The plan was to get two kittens, rather than one, to fill the void left in Lucy’s life after Tessa passed. It seemed cruel to me to let Lucy...

October 18, 2015

Jai guru deva om

It’s a beautiful song. I’ve known it nearly all my life and it moves me in ways I can neither understand nor articulate. Yet every time I hear it, it stirs in me both these inexplicable emotion...

There’s the old question about the glass. How you look at the glass, how you answer the question, is supposed to say a lot about you. I suppose that’s true. Some people say the glass is half empt...

September 19, 2015

Cryptic - An OldBoysStory

Nathe can be so exasperating. You never do know when he is telling you something true or lying for his own amusement. By this late stage in our siblinghood you would think I’d have a clue. Trut...

Apologies in advance. I have been wanting to write the second half of this entry but have been completely unable to go there until I wrote the first half. Totally ridiculous, of that I am aware,...

August 10, 2015

Things I don't do anymore

I don’t get up each morning and check the floors for accidents that need to be cleaned up right away. I don’t run a special wash load of old towel kitty pads every other day. I don’t set out supp...

I knew that I couldn’t go anywhere for my vacation this summer. The thousands of dollars I put on my credit cards to pay for the foundation work on the house guaranteed that. No vacation this s...

June 27, 2015

In whatever mode

I work on the arm, going to physical therapy twice a week, following a regime of prescribed exercises several times a day at home, wearing the brace at night. It is annoying, painful, and slow-g...

June 19, 2015


I’d like to say things have turned around this week and that I am feeling physically better and emotionally more hopeful. Well, I pretty much don’t get what I like lately, so you basically know ...

June 09, 2015

Smaller by slow degrees

It’s the giving up of things, the erosion of all those things gave you comfort, the inexorable diminishment of your life by slow degrees that is so hard to bear. I have had a knack for forgetting...

Seven weeks since I broke my arm and things have been fairly bad. It wasn’t just the constant pain and the disability. It wasn’t just the house falling down around my ears or the amped up stres...

April 16, 2015


Wasn’t sure for a while there but the balance is finally shifting a bit. I am no longer spending 100 percent of my time fixated on pain - how much I have, how long until the next pill, how little...

April 12, 2015

Counting down

Right now (19) I am - Writing this entry with one hand while I - Listen to a romantic comedy movie as I - Shovel the (18) occasional spoonful of cereal sloppily into my mouth (with my left hand...

April 12, 2015

Fairly miserable

One handed typing so there’ll be a lot of short choppy sentences. Oh well. The major damage is the broken arm. Both bones in the forearm. Luckily they’re not displaced so I’ll just need casti...

Out of shape? Trying to get better? Bicycle for sale? Test ride? Pot hole? Chubby middle-aged woman in spectacular somersault over the handle-bars? Face plant on concrete? Elbow to the pave...

March 14, 2015

Write now

Okay. I came here to write something. I didn’t really have anything to say, life’s kind of non-narrateable right now, but I thought, go to the page and something to write will come. Sometimes it ...

Always remember, Two wrongs don’t make a right, But three lefts do.

Apropos of a conversation I had earlier today, I was thinking about the pineal gland. (Oh don’t ask why.) Just now I realized that, though I know it’s located in the brain, I have no earthly id...

August 24, 2014

About that car

It's just so damned cute.On top of that, it runs wonderfully well, no worries about an imminent breakdown riding constant passenger with me. That's such a lovely feeling. My just past car was a...

The name is Rosebud. (And before you assume, it's not a reference to Citizen Kane.) Rosebud is a 2010 Prius hybrid with 36k on it that used to belong to my father but is now mine, mine, all MIN...

August 01, 2014

Much achoo about nothing

I have a sneeze that offends cats. Hey, I've never had a dainty sneeze, but geez, Luce, you could be a bit more forgiving. I was sitting at my table in the study, working on organizing and purg...

My annual health insurance packet came in the mail today. It's one of those things you sort of glance at and then file. Yes, I knew that the premiums were going up, a trend exacerbated by the f...

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