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November 04, 2015


I should preface this by saying that I don’t think monogamy is bad. In fact, it’s a good thing to lots of people! I’ve been noticing some changes lately since I’ve weaned my youngest and I’m not...

November 02, 2015


I’ve been listening to these things a lot lately: “Ashamed” - Deer Tick “Halah” - Mazzy Star “Star Witness” - Neko Case “Easy Living” - Miranda Lambert “Birmingham” - Shovels and Rope “Your Ghos...

Hi! This is me procrastinating! I have two papers, a big project, and a giant project, and a bunch of other smaller things all due within the next week, and I’m being oh-so-smart about it and pre...

October 21, 2015

I can't even.

I’m SO ANGRY at my methods teacher (social studies education class that I have to take). I had to write a paper analyzing a textbook that my mentor teacher uses. My mentor teacher doesn’t use a t...

October 15, 2015

Cannon's progress

Guys! Cannon’s teacher sent a report of Cannon’s IEP progress evaluation and he’s made “significant improvement” in two things, and “met goals” in the other. I’m so happy!

October 14, 2015


do I bother to read Facebook news comments? I never learn, and I am always enraged by ignorance. It makes my stomach drop sometimes how awful people can be. Also, a comment from our babysitter ha...

October 13, 2015


I fully enjoyed watching Bernie Sanders in the debates. FEELTHEBERN I had a pretty crappy day, so that was cool. I got my first post-partum period today too. The weird thing is the last period I ...

October 12, 2015


I suppose I have some time to update! I always have a lot to say, but I’m so scatterbrained from fatigue and having so much to remember all the time that I can’t think of what I wanted to write a...

September 17, 2015


I keep meaning to come here and write, but my days are completely filled with things to do, and kids and husband to love. I’m home from my internship today because poor Cannonbug has a fever. I’v...

September 11, 2015


Well I suppose I should write about our trip, although I’m sick so I’m not sure how much stuff I will decide to cram into one entry. We’ve been back since Tuesday morning (at like 1am) and I have...

September 03, 2015

Las Vegas

We are here! Gettin’ hitched Saturday. Details to come!

August 28, 2015

kid update

Here is what my kids are doing: Cannon has been going to pre-school at a special education building in our district. He’s been riding the bus to and from school and he doesn’t cry and loves going...

August 27, 2015


Cannon turned three yesterday. He is riding the bus to and from school, and he doesn’t mind it. He’s such a big boy. Where has the time gone! He got lots of new Thomas trains for his birthday. :)...

August 19, 2015


It’s difficult for someone like me to choose stability. I choose to be stable everyday, and it’s always a battle. People like me, who grow up with not-so-stable circumstances learn to be unstable...

August 11, 2015


I’m laying on the bed in my bedroom. It’s almost 8pm and the light is fading, but it’s still very bright outside and I’m listening to the cicadas. It’s calming. It also makes me sad because it r...

August 07, 2015


I can’t get this effing K-pop song out of my head (I think it’s called “gee” by Girls Generation). I listened to it a lot like six years ago. Where has the time gone! I’m not halfway to 26, am I?...

August 04, 2015


I’ve been quite busy. My summer semester ended. I met with the teacher that I’m going to be student teaching with this year. He’s nice, but he didn’t laugh at my jokes. It may very well be a long...

July 23, 2015


Cannon is believed to be on the autism spectrum. He had his evaluation today and he is too young to make an accurate diagnosis but they gave us a couple of books and a report to give to his schoo...

And they said teaching was “easy.” LOL I don’t know who thinks teaching is easy, but they need to be thrown into a classroom and plan lessons and stuff. Anyway, Lorelei turns one year old tomorro...

July 16, 2015


Our house is still a big mess but I’m really glad we have this house. Our last house was so much smaller, it made me so stressed all the time. Having more room and bigger rooms in this house just...

July 11, 2015

Desperate, again

I haven’t had proper sleep in three years and I’m starting to get desperate.

July 11, 2015


I think today is free slurpee day at 7/11. GO GET ONE. I’ve never had one. Have one for me. Anyway. I’m back at my in laws’! I needed to get homework done and we don’t have internet for another ...

July 07, 2015


Cannon said “I love you” for the first time!!! He said it to me. Oh my gosh, it melted my whole heart. He also gave me a kiss after he said it. My boy. <3 He’s making such great progress, I am...

July 06, 2015


Life’s going. We move in a couple of days. I’m excited! But I don’t look forward to unpacking. I’m just glad that when we are done unpacking, it’ll be the last time we unpack for a LONG time, if ...

July 01, 2015


We moved out of our rental house, and we close on the new house July 8th. We are staying with Jacob’s parents until then. I wish I had my own space. I can’t do my own laundry because whenever I ...

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