

by bethany

Entries 137

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March 05, 2014

march 3

Unhappy Monday, all. I had dinner with the roommate and the coworker tonight after work so it wasn't the worst of Mondays. Since in working so much there is little time for anything else.

March 02, 2014

march 2

I haven't been able to stop crying for the last sixteen hours. What's up with my emotions? I feel like they're on overdrive.

March 02, 2014

march 1

I'm going through a period where I feel alone and isolated. It's a dark spiral and I dread it. It's painful to give so much of yourself to someone and have them have nothing to offer in return....

February 28, 2014

february 28

I want to be loved. To be treated as though I'm special and wonderful and needed. It feels hopeless.

February 28, 2014

february 27

I've had the worst nausea last night and all day today. How's it going out there? No one is really updating and certainly no one is noting. Turns out this place isn't so different from OD after...

February 28, 2014

february 26

I worked for twelve hours today, then went grocery shopping with the roommate for food for the rest of the week. And then came home and watched tv until I was so exhausted I couldn't keep my eye...

February 28, 2014

february 25

My back has been killing me. Spasms. Sitting in a chair seems to aggravate it even more. Lying down doesn't feel much better either. It's been making sleeping difficult. Went to OSU tonight to t...

February 28, 2014

february 24

I ended up working eight hours yesterday, and another ten today. Two years ago, even one year ago, I didn't mind this. Now I feel like I have a right to my own life. Why should my job take up so...

February 28, 2014

february 23

Happy weekend-end.

February 23, 2014

february 22

I can tell when my mind is on the verge of collapse when everything else in my life starts slipping. I can't keep my apartment clean despite having no excuses. The apartment looks great, but that...

February 23, 2014

february 21

Friday nights have turned into very tame things now that the roommate has his kid for every one. And my only local friend is in DC for the weekend, which means I had to spend the night at home. ...

February 23, 2014

february 20

Fourteen hour work days aren't so bad when you feel out of place at your own apartment. The roommate and I have been trying to watch House of Cards on Netflix. I'm having trouble focusing. We al...

February 23, 2014

february 19

Today is my six-year anniversary with my company. And all day I kept thinking, I'll probably never reach a six-year anniversary with a man. Chris and I made it to five and a half. Is that going ...

February 23, 2014

february 18

I finally made it to the grocery store tonight. I'm having a hard time staying on top of that one lately. I'm not sure why.

February 23, 2014

february 17

Is there anything positive to say about Mondays?

February 16, 2014

february 16

I spent most of the day in bed. It was one of those days where I felt heavy hearted. Staying in bed probably doesn't help, but the other option would have been to go with the roommate to hang out...

February 16, 2014

february 15

I blacked out from exhaustion last night. I was at the gym by 5:15 the last two mornings and was awake until eleven last night. I had a couple of beers and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up thi...

February 16, 2014

february 14

Happy Valentine's. I had to continually remind myself today that other people's happiness in their relationships has nothing to do with me. My single and lonely status isn't going to change just ...

February 14, 2014

february 13

I went to the gym this morning at five and by the time eight in the evening got here I was falling asleep. So I didn't even try to fight it. Had lunch with a client at J Alexander's. I got the...

February 12, 2014

february 12

I hate working out in the mornings. It makes me feel like I should be asleep for the night by the time noon rolls around, but lately the roommate and I have been sucking at working out. It starte...

February 11, 2014

february 11

I still find myself absent-mindedly typing in the OD URL on my phone, then only to remember a split second after hitting enter that it will get me nowhere. I woke up early this morning. I'm sup...

February 10, 2014

february 10

I'm having a down day.

February 10, 2014

february 9

I met my mother for lunch. And I didn't meet her alone. So now she knows. And I haven't heard from her about it so I don't know how badly she's taking it, but my guess is that it isn't great. B...

February 10, 2014

february 8

I slept until noon today, then went to chipotle for a quick math review for the roommate before his test, then spent the rest of the day in as lazy of a state as I could manage. That's how I pref...

February 10, 2014

february 7

I visited my grandmother tonight to pick up a sewing machine from her. I'd like to get back into sewing. I want to sew a quilt eventually but I've never had the time. I grew up taking sewing less...

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