

by KissOfLife!

Entries 274

Page 9 of 11

So exciting to think that this time next week I will be on my first long-haul flight. Actually, I will probably still be in Hong Kong Airport to be precise, or probably even on the second-leg of...

I don’t think I’m doing the Australian government data watchdog any justice. In fact, I think my porn watch-age has increased since they’ve started monitoring us all HAHA. I was actually watchin...

October 24, 2015

T-minus 10 days...

Work was a little bit stressful today. Just got over being the only one seeming to be doing everything, plus the RF units were being bitches. If I could’ve seen someone from the IT department t...

October 05, 2015

England planning

So, that’s pretty exciting. Less than a month now :D I’ve booked accommodation for when I arrive, for the first five days for now. It’s only the el-cheapo option in Central London, because I j...

September 26, 2015

Riverfire tonight

Omg I am friggin exhausted! I guess that’s what I get for working in retail on the day of Riverfire. Plus with all these new ‘jobs’ etc we have to try and fit in the same hours on top of my usual...

September 12, 2015

I'm not dead

Well, I still feel like shit, but I am miles better than I was yesterday, that’s for sure. I can’t believe I even went into work today for my shift. I barely ever - wait, scratch that - I never ...

September 11, 2015

owie owie ow!

I don’t know what the hell happened tonight, but my stomach was in the most excruciating pain. It’s only just subsided and I’m worried it might return. I was clutching at straws, trying to think...

August 03, 2015

Only half of it's here!

Well that was a bit of unnecessary drama this morning. I got my groceries delivered, on time, that was all good, although I was confused as to why the driver was only holding three bags in his tu...

August 03, 2015

Save save save

I think I exhausted myself today. I just went for another one of my walks. Didn’t take any pics because I’ve walked it heaps of times before, but it was still a beautiful day. I’m actually won...

August 01, 2015

Earthquake 2

I had another sex dream about a past housemate last night. This time it was Josh again haha. It still feels so real. Man, I dunno what is going on in my dirty-30’s but my mind seems to be in o...

Another work-week is over. Thank God. It was a little rougher than usual, on account of the new Assistant Manager getting on my nerves too much and not letting me do my usual work. At least othe...

I woke up this morning, thinking it was a little cooler than usual whilst under my covers. I was still half-asleep, so just yanked my covers because I assumed they had fallen off the side of the...

July 19, 2015

Bravo Matt. Bravo.

I just used the ‘tablecloth method’ to move my bedsheets from underneath all the crap on my bed (clothes, laptop etc) and my poor laptop went flying, hitting my wooden floor. I silently wished to...

Oh thank fuck that work-week is over! I was left screwed yesterday especially, with two other staff calling in sick, so I was literally by myself, running two departments, and whenever I’d try to...

Like a hell of a lot of other people today, I changed my Facebook profile pic rainbow in light of this historic day in the U.S.A. “Love has won”, I believe were the words from Mr. President. I h...

I watched (naturally) the special Q&A episode on ABC last Thursday night which aired after the special documentary about the history of gays and lesbians in Australia. If you’re in Australia...

June 21, 2015

Ahoy, sailor

Bit of a rough week at work. Just so, so busy and haven’t stopped, but have worked so hard to make sure everything is done to the best of my ability, so I have to be proud of that at least. Nigh...

Of course, I think it’s fantastic that Ireland allowed it’s people a referendum on same-sex marriage. I also think it’s fabulous that Ireland has an 85% Catholic population, and that the YES vot...

May 07, 2015


Man! I had some horrific nightmares last night. I was quite glad to wake up, and did so before my 4am alarm clock on my phone even went off. Not that I got up. I only did to flick my light on...

I think I’m feeling a bit down today :( No real reason for it that I can think of, except probably over thinking as usual. I thought this week was a non-rent week, but I must be a bit ahead of my...

May 03, 2015

Late, but not late

I started work 20 minutes late today. Not because I was late, but because on Sundays, I start at 9am and we open at 9am, so I just wait out the front of the store for the doors to open. It gets...

April 30, 2015

Who wakes at 2am? ^^

There’s a complete roider at the gym today. It’s amusing just watching him rush between each machine, use it rapidly fast, grunt a lot and move on to the next machine. I’m glad I’m not the only...

April 29, 2015

Failed entry

I just wrote a huge-ass entry bitching about everything going on in my life, and lost it all because the wireless adapter is completely screwed on my laptop and disconnected whilst I was typing. ...

April 28, 2015

Bali 9 executions

I went to sleep last night realising that when I woke, the Bali 9 would be executed. I can’t help but feel a little sad. It’s a natural human reaction I guess. I can’t even watch the footage ...

April 26, 2015

Save a grand

Waiting outside work today for the doors to open (and my shift to start), I saw the crowd of people eagerly awaiting to get inside. Geesh, we close for one day and this happens every time. I thou...

Book Description

Just a book for cool stuff I come across written or shared by other people.