I ain't no Feminist in Voices Windward

  • March 14, 2014, 11:36 a.m.
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Saw a image that basically said, you're either a Feminist or you don't think women are people, it's that simple...

'll admit to a mild concern, because I do flare up with self identified feminists on various issues, this being one of them, and I'm not cut of to the possibility that, maybe I'm the bad guy.

I don't think you are either an ARA vegan or a mass murderer. I don't think you are Antifa or a fascist. I don't think you either support gay marriage or are an homophobe.

My original response anyways :- "So if you believe that women are people you must be identified as a feminist because that's what feminists say feminism is despite a large body of people believing that women are people but also don't particularly care for the degree of group think, our collective ideologies and beliefs that tend to saturate feminism, dispute not actually being against feminism and being quite happy with it's existence and works?

Sounds legit.

I think it sounds too much like, "join our club or you're the enemy" absolutist bullshit that is only going to alienate people and perhaps even take the opposite ideology.

I believe women are people,I ain't a feminist, and it ain't as simple as all that."

Additional:- Fella called Danny once, self identified Feminist told me I was a Feminist because I believed in blind and equal civil rights. Same guy later betrayed my friendship for a bit of tongue hockey with the girl of my fancy and upon being told I was rather taken with her proceeded to haunt her footsteps coming on to her while me and her hung out. Later on feminist he would give me dogmatic prose about how my " claim" to her was an act of my oppression.

Florentine March 14, 2014

I think quotes like that give most feminists a bad rep. It should be turned around: You can identify with feminism if you think that all peoples, regardless of gender, deserve to start with the same basic considerations.

There's no need for bullying, no matter what the cause or agenda.

Rhizic Florentine ⋅ March 14, 2014

True that, I just feel perhaps we need to find a defacto term that isn't tainted so so manner connections and perceptions.

personal rotisserie March 14, 2014

well your "claim" on her probably was unfounded but so was his betrayal. i don't think i'm a feminist because i hate everyone and think everyone is a pile of shit and not human. I am having a bad day.

Rhizic personal rotisserie ⋅ March 14, 2014

I hope you days got a bit better ;)

We were (and still are) in a girl instigated and push relationship, that although open at the time, did not count friends and family... they ain't in the package and he knew these things.

Nihilism is a pretty good survival mechanism for day to day life!

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