Tonight in The start of something?

  • Sept. 13, 2013, 4:12 a.m.
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All week I've been wondering whether to write about this. I didn't want to jinx myself... but in the end it didn't matter because this morning it was jinxed by itself.

My son has a party to go to tonight that's on the other side of town. It's also 2kms from the marital home. He said it's finishing about or after midnight. I said i don't mind picking him up, but I didn't want to drive across town after that so would he mind sleeping at hubby's house. The old marital home. I would be there too of course!! And he said sure... although I know it's not his first preference, he knows it would be a lot of kms for me to drive all the way back and he's a considerate boy...

So then I asked my daughter if she wanted to sleep there too as I know she doesn't like to be in the house alone. She said sure...

This was earlier in the week... this morning she tells me she doesn't want to sleep there and she won't. That she'll stay at our place on her own... that she doesn't even like that side of town. ugh! I understand where she's coming from but I was so excited. If she'd told me in the first instance that she would just stay at our place on her own it would have been ok but I got all excited thinking about us all in the old marital home again.

But anyhow my son and I will sleep there. He won't even see hubby as hubby has been called in for a 6.30am shift so he'll leave the house at about 6am.. Son is meeting some friends at a large shopping centre there at 11am so I'll just go on to my other home alone. Hubby had been saying that we could all go out for breakfast. I said I'm pretty sure son wouldn't want that!!! but it doesn't matter now anyhow as hubby is working.. so that's that!

Work was really really frustrating.. how systems were half working, half down and very very very slow yet we still were expected to take calls. We all wanted to pull our hair out!

I don't think I've ever read the complete works of Sherlock Holmes Volume I and II. I think I've read bits and pieces, but I've started reading them now and i LOVE IT!!!! I bought volume I by chance and have ordered II. Love getting excited about a new book to read!

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