Everything is great... in The start of something?

  • March 2, 2014, 9:18 p.m.
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Seems strange not to write an entry of woe. I don't know if others are like me but it seems that's when I write most..

But things are going really well. The people who are buying my house want to move settlement sooner and right now we're trying for this Friday but as I'm not at work, I can't print the documents they need me to sign and fax them back... so it will have to wait till Wednesday... so settlement might not be until early next week but that's ok. I've moved out now anyhow so I really don't care.

BTW when I was there on the weekend to clean, there were a bunch of keys that had been left in the letterbox. I wonder whose they were? They were car keys.. I was going to go to the neighbours in case it should have been left in their letterbox instead but hubby said better to just leave them because sooner or later it will be figured out that they were left in the wrong letterbox and someone will come to get them...

So in other big exciting news... I've started running again!!! YES!!! Only very short distances. First time back my goal was to do 2kms and I did 1.5 before I took a 100metre break, then ran another .5... to make 2kms in total. Today I ran 2kms without stopping. So that's two days in a row! Tomorrow I intend to run another two. I'm going to leave it at 2 until I feel good to run 3 which I think will be next week.. and then increase slowly from there. But I'm super happy about this!

Daughter has moved to my mums but it's only for a few nights a week. But I still miss her even though sometimes she drives me bonkers...

And I'm going to leave you with some shots I took from my lounge window yesterday... three during the day and three at night.. this place has gorgeous views!!!

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Pity about the power lines!

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Oh.. and just as I was writing this, a blue tongue lizard came strolling past my window.. I had to snap that too!!

ermentrude March 02, 2014

Maybe someone dropped the keys near your house and a kind stranger assumed they belonged there. Might be an idea to call on your old neighbours to check. X

Mum of Yum March 03, 2014

What a view!! I almost used to feel guilty writing an entry full of the good stuff 😊

blackpropaganda March 03, 2014

That is some view - and no wonder you wanted back - great to have such a positive entry!!

caramelchicken March 03, 2014

Wow what a view! So jealous. Although if I lived that far from the beach I'd probably be too lazy to actually go there much :p

Satine March 03, 2014

So lovely! I am glad you're happy - everyday going-on are great to hear about (and of course pretty pictures!)

Complicated Disaster March 03, 2014

Awesome views! I'm glad you're getting back to running. I can't wait myself! xx

Deleted user March 04, 2014

I love looking at the pictures you post! I do the same...I always feel like I write when something is going wrong or stressing me out.

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