A Glimpse of the Future From the Past in Ultimate Randomness

  • March 14, 2014, 12:17 a.m.
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So I am not going entirely off my general topic from my usual entries, but I have decided to tell you a story from right before I moved to Tennessee from Massachusetts. Back in those days, I worked at another pizza place. Two of the people I worked with were a married couple, he was a driver and she worked the register. They had an open relationship. After working with them for some time, they met another couple. He had no interest in the wife, but his wife swung both ways and it was agreed that she would only be with the wife. At some point, she broke the rules and slept with the husband and the wife at the same time. Eventually, it got to where she was only with the husband and something happened. She fell for the guy and he fell for her. Both of them left their respective spouses for each other. Of course, the guy I worked with was devastated. Well, it got worse. The divorce itself was pretty ugly and in the end, as little sense as it makes, she got the house and the kids. She was the cheater and still got everything. I am not sure what they are doing now, but there is a point to all this. Before I moved down here, she gave me some advice. She told me to always keep my wife satisfied and happy. I am trying to make two points with this story. The first is that I did not heed her advice. I let my wife become unsatisfied and unhappy. The second is that I did not heed their example. I opened up our marriage in an attempt to keep her happy. I knew this whole story years before all the bad stuff in my own marriage started, and I, for some reason, thought things would be different for me. I should have heeded the advice and the example and instead, I did the opposite on both counts and now I am paying for it. Just goes to show that you should always learn from the mistakes of others if you can.

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