My new "friend" in Space Skeleton FROM SPACE

  • Dec. 19, 2019, 12:40 p.m.
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  • Public

So creepy stalker behaviour is a thing here, hm?

I literally just made an account here. I don’t need this shit. alt text

Juicy.J05 December 19, 2019

This happened to me too.

Purple-Haired Prick Juicy.J05 ⋅ December 19, 2019

Not a lot of fun, is it? Especially after being stalked and harassed for over a year by a maniac who was obsessed with me over on twitter. That guy even followed me into online videogames to harass and troll me. As a result I ended up closing out all my social media and just giving up. I started over here, so I'll be Goddamned if I'm going to let some fresh nutjob hound me off another website.

Juicy.J05 Purple-Haired Prick ⋅ December 20, 2019

OMG that's crazy I don't really understand who would want to do that.

Purple-Haired Prick Juicy.J05 ⋅ December 20, 2019

I could guess but I don't want to use such words here - actually fuck it, no, I ain't above that: cunts. That's who.

Juicy.J05 Purple-Haired Prick ⋅ December 20, 2019

Yeah I guess people are just super crazy

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