Grooming Day ….. in The odd entries from life …….

  • March 10, 2014, 6:56 p.m.
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Ziggy has been to see his grooming lady, but he was fifteen minutes late, three or four miles before journeys end we found our road closed, that was by the road to Port Isaac, so we went down the home of Doc Martin only to find that road was closed; we found latter a section of the road had collapsed into the sea last week! These thinks happen but it would be nice to have directions to our destination, but that is Cornwall! We retreated our way, we saw some way turning into the lanes of north Cornwall, so we followed and after fifteen minutes we were on the A road I had avoided, at lest I know where we were and where to go.

This rout takes us to a mile or more along a very narrow lane, parts are so narrow I had to stop adjacent to a gate way into a field, so that two ladies walking their dogs could get buy, the lane is rather up and down with many sharp corner’s; meeting another car is a real situation. Thankfully the usual road is closed for just one week, so next time I shall be able to use my chosen rout. By one pm we were driving home.

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Ziggy has been to the groomers today, it’s not like the agility class for activity but still he is a little stressed.

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He likes the easy chare when he gets home.

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Lola can relax any day, and dose ….

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Ziggy’s needs for relaxation isn’t as exacting as the demands of Lola’s …..

NorthernSeeker March 10, 2014

Oh, pretty Ziggy. I can imagine the combing hurts. I know it hurt my head when mom brushed my hair.

Word of advice...never let your mother brush your hair when she is angry.

Roseyrays March 11, 2014

Archie has had his first cut if the year. His fur is shorter than a would like for time of year but he does look very smart. We will keep him shaved from now on. Just let it grow a little. He looks so cute and puppy like

Tick Tock Tick March 12, 2014

(Jumping up and down) Oh, oh, you tried Doc Watson's road! It's that close to you? (Settling down demurely) Will hasten to read back to see if that damage is from recent storms. (I regret not writing here more.) / Ziggy looks magnificently groomed but I'm sorry he is still stressed a little by it. Laughed at the little pink thing he squeezed into (last photo). Hope you have all been well. Be back, have to help make dinner now.

Tick Tock Tick March 12, 2014

ryn: Good hearing all is going well for you and that spring has taken up residence in Cornwall. I hope not with many showers. Our insurance will cover the truck door and we have a minimal deductable. When you damage as many vehicles as I do, you pay the extra! Always good hearing from you.

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