NoJoMo 19 in NoJoMo 2019

  • Nov. 19, 2019, 3:23 p.m.
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  • Public

Another survey.
I’m not feeling well. I’m hoping it’s the side effects of the flu shot but I don’t know.

Do you have the guts to answer these Q’s and repost as The Controversial Survey? No, because I’m posting it as NoJoMo 19

Would you do meth if it was legalized? - Um, no. I don’t have any interest in doing drugs. I’m prescribed enough.

Abortion: for or against? - I’m against abortion for myself. I don’t think the government should have a say in what people do with their bodies though

Would our country fall with a woman president? - For years I thought I’d never vote for a woman. For years I thought I’d never vote for a democrat. This current president, however, is changing how I look at the system.

Do you believe in the death penalty? - I used to. Then I listened to a talk by a friend, and a very devout Christ Follower, and I changed my mind. Jesus came and died for the sins of everyone, so that don’t need to perish for our sins. If I believe that then I cannot, in good faith, think that anyone has the right to take the life of another person.

Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? - Yes. I don’t think I’d partake in using it, I don’t use it now, but I do think it could be regulated better if it was legal.

Are you for or against premarital sex? - Again, this is a personal thing. I’m not against it for myself, I engaged in it with Liam and a few other people. I do regret the “few other people”. My mom told me that you don’t buy a car without test driving it. I don’t know if I 100% believe that, but I think it’s realistic for today’s society. Also, for me, marriage is for life, so you better like who you’re sleeping with, be compatible.

Do you believe in God? - I do. Most definitely. 100%

Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? - Yes, love is love. That being said, I think marriage is a biblical term and churches should not have to perform ceremonies. People should be allowed to get married, regardless of their gender identification, by law.

Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA? - I do not. (I took this survey about 5 years ago and did think coming here “illegally” was wrong and I still believe that.) I think there should be a better path for Hispanic people to come to this country.

A 12 year old girl has a baby… should she keep it? - If she wants it.

Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? - Sure

Assisted suicide is illegal… do you agree? - I don’t think it should be illegal. I think our bodies should not be in the hands of lawmakers. Let doctors do their jobs.

Do you believe in spanking your children? - I don’t see positives of spanking. Negative reinforcement is … negative.

Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? - Nah. I also wouldn’t burn the flag of any other country.

A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case. Fair? - If that mother was tried according to the letter of the law, and it was a fair and just trial, where both the state and the mother had the opportunity to present their case, than yes, it’s fair. Is it just? Hell no.

It’s between you and a person who is being kept alive by life support, which one dies? - Depends on who the person is. You tell me one of my nephews is about to have the plug pulled and I’m telling you to take me instead. I’ve lead a good life, they deserve to do the same.

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers? - Probably. It is what it is. I have changed my opinions a lot since I answered these questions 5 years ago.

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