NoJoMo 3 in NoJoMo 2019

  • Nov. 3, 2019, 6:22 p.m.
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  • Public

Today was pretty good, fairly productive.

I was up early, thanks Fall Back. It worked out well though as I was able to attend the 830 service at church.

Church always puts things into perspective. Today the sermon was about how we often feel like we’ve got nothing in our lives but that God is normally working with our “nothing” to turn it into something. I really felt that message today. I’ve been feeling off and yucky and nothing and then this sermon tells me to keep believing, praying and looking towards Him. He’s working on my life.

After church I went to Sam’s club and target to get some needed housewares for our extra rooms and bathrooms.

I came home, ate some lunch, and then Liam helped me get my desk upstairs. I put it together and then emptied some book boxes. I need to put my second book shelf together tomorrow and finish emptying book boxes.

Also on the plan for tomorrow is getting rid of my Halloween nails in the morning, then break down empty boxes in the afternoon, and put together that bookshelf. Maybe if I’m feeling ambitious I’ll get the second master bedroom and bathroom sorted out as well. I’ve got company coming on the 11th so it needs to be done.

I hope you all had a lovely Sunday!

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