Last Day in Public

  • July 16, 2019, 10:27 a.m.
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  • Public

Today is my last day as a 34 year old. I know that 35 isn’t old but three of my grandparents didn’t live past 71. So I’m feeling firmly middle-aged.

Over the weekend we did end up getting some lunch and walking around the mall. Well, mostly we went to the Vera Bradley Outlet and then the book store. But my belly was not great after lunch so we spent Saturday afternoon doing nothing at all. Sunday I worked church from 7-2. It was really nice. My worship pastor, who leads the production and worship teams, gave me a nice card to say thanks for serving and he offered up a great prayer for Liam and I.
Sunday afternoon we did nothing. I napped on the couch for bit and read. It was a boring weekend for the most part.

Monday I went to the doctors. I had bloodwork done and then saw my doctor. Obviously she won’t get my results until later this week or next but I had to talk with her about the meds. She agreed with me that this medication was not something I should continue. We discussed another pill, spironolactone, but she said that it is known to cause drops in blood pressure and my BP is normally pretty low already. So, no. but then I mentioned the lotion for hair removal and she said okay but that it is expensive. Liam and I decided that it would be worth it since the cost, while initially a little surprising, is okay over 6 months.

Today I worked on some ELA and Math Anchor Charts. I need to go to office max and pick up my lamination. I also want some wings so I might get lunch, it’ll be a late lunch. or maybe I won’t do anything outside today and I’ll just do shit tomorrow. I’m feeling meh.

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