It would make the sweet baby jesus sad in The start of something?

  • Aug. 31, 2013, 6:47 p.m.
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I've been listening to the audio book of Nailed by David Fitzgerald about the myth of Jesus and it's really quite interesting. I've also been researching criticisms against the book but so far haven't seen anything compelling. Mostly people are just saying "You've got to be kidding. to say he didn't exist is absurd" without really giving any reasons why they think that way.

The most compelling thing to me for the argument that he didn't exist, is that there aren't any writings about him from the time he supposedly existed... those writings didn't come till much much later... and we all know how events can be exaggerated from one decade to the next, let alone 100 years later....

But there are other reasons too and i won't bore you with them all here. Just wanted to recommend the book in case anyone is interested in that sort of thing.

But I was thinking of christianity and the situation with my daughter and wondered if would be easier just to say "Don't do that because it would make the sweet baby jesus sad"
which is basically how I grew up... thinking Jesus was crying a river of tears for all the impure thoughts I had....

Ah and learn as they say.....

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Deleted user August 31, 2013

I tend to think a teacher of prophet called "Jesus of Nazareth" probably existed, a vaguely remembered name to hang the stories on. But it would be much more convincing if the Romans has some record of him. I'm sure the NT stories were made up to fulfil OT prophecy. People of the day, I think, had a different notion of "truth" than the literal, factual, physical one we have -- if it was spiriually instructive, it was true; the actual, factual details weren't important, just like authorship of writings wasn't important. We apply a modern, literal standard to material that wasn't written that way, and get into absurdity. In my opinion.

January Child Deleted user ⋅ August 31, 2013

I think it was probably a few people as was the custom of that time, and all these things were attributed to the one person, and then exaggerated... but the problem is, most people just "think" instead of studying this stuff and finding out for themselves... once it's all studied, it becomes quite murky. And yes I do agree some of the teachings are beneficial and useful but there are just too many people who want to insist its literal, and then base government laws around it. That part is wrong.

I need tea. September 01, 2013

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