York in Hello.

  • Feb. 21, 2019, 11:13 a.m.
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So me and the girls had a lovely time in York!
We arrived mid Saturday afternoon and decided to have a wander into the city. I hate driving in unfamiliar places and we were only about a 15 minute walk from town, so I parked the car behind the B and B and it stayed there till Tuesday!
We walked past Clifford Tower and decided to pop in for a look. We’re English Heritage members so got in for free. We then had a quick look around the city centre to get our bearings, went into a music shop and an antique shop among other places, then went back to the B & B for hot chocolates and showers.
Sunday we went to Jorvik, then to a cute cafe for tea and cakes. We had a look round the market and heard some pretty good buskers. They said they were playing a gig in a pub later on, so we went along to watch. They were fab! An accordion, a double bass, a guitar and a violin player doing their own interpretations of pop songs.

(Not my video!)
That was a great evening, we did lots of dancing and singing. Bel wanted to try Wagamama’s for dinner. I have to say, I wasn’t impressed!
Monday I discovered a great cafe nearby called Pig and Pastry that was so cool and cooky… I’d probably spend all my time in there if I lived in York! A lovely eclectic mix of furniture and crockery, local artwork on the walls and Harry Potter being piped into the toilets! We were quite close to the walls, so we walked along them, then realised we were quite close to the railway museum. I wasn’t terribly excited about going to be honest, but it was free! When we got in though, it was very good. Bel is wanting to go into engineering, so she loved looking at all the engines and watching the staff in the “hospital” fixing the trains up.
After we’d finished there, we took the mini “train” back into the city centre, and discovered a street that was pretty much just charity shops! We had lunch in Subway (absolutely soul destroying, but everywhere else was jam packed) then booked a tour on the chocolate story. That was fun, but I ate loads of chocolate and got a migraine!
We were leaving on Tuesday, but Bel wanted to go to the nearby Chinese supermarket, then we were going to visit a cold war bunker (again English heritage). But when we got there, it was still closed for the season. Still, I managed to drive around the middle of York without having a melt down, so go me!

On Saturday Rob is going to Buxton for his uni open day, but he’s traveling down tomorrow and staying over, as it’s an all day thing. So I said I’d take him to the station in the morning.

~Twinkle~ February 21, 2019

Sounds like a great trip!

Lucretia February 21, 2019

York is such a cool little city. It's been so long since I did the railway museum, I might have to go next time after your enjoyment of it!

Hope Rob has a nice time in Buxton. That's my old stomping ground and I love the place.

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ February 21, 2019

Oh really? Anything worth checking out?

Lucretia Babe In Toyland ⋅ February 21, 2019

The Pavilion Gardens are lovely. They're not big, but I like it in there. They're attached to the Opera House, and they often have markets and cool stuff on at the Arts Centre which is at the back. To be fair, it's not a big town at all. It's a nice place to amble through, some cute little eateries too. The Devonshire Dome is cool for about 2 minutes but if you're there you may as well stop in (big echo-y hall). The surrounding countryside is the best thing, nice hills, lots of caving to enjoy if you're into that kind of thing.

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ February 22, 2019

Thank you! I'll pass it on.

celador February 22, 2019

I love York, it's nice to read about other people's visits and what they've been up to there xxx

Bomb Shell February 23, 2019

How can you not like Wagamama’s? Me and Dave love it, we’re obsessed with their katsu curry. What did you have?

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ February 23, 2019

I didn't like the atmosphere. We felt rushed and they messed our order up twice. Plus our waitress had an attitude problem. It wasn't even as if it was busy! I had noodles with veg.

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