Timmy's Adventure in In the Meadow

  • March 6, 2014, 3:54 p.m.
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  • Public

We have had an eventful week. On Monday night Timmy and Aaron were at hockey practice. Timmy and the other kids were jogging in the warmup area. Timmy took a fall and cut his nose. It was on a foam mat so not too badly, but I knew he needed stitches. Aaron came right over to see how his brother was doing. He is such a sweet boy. The coach had an ice pack to put on it and we kept pressure on it. It bled a lot, but most nose wounds do. My husband was at dance class with Kayla. I called him and he picked up Aaron after practice.

Meanwhile, I took Timmy to the urgent care place. Two nurses came in and took his pulse, temperature, and blood pressure. Then they left and we waited for the nurse practitioner to come in. It was busy and we had to wait for a while. I kept pressure on the cut. The nurse practitioner came in and looked at the cut. She decided to go ahead and put stitches in. He needed three stitches. He had some scratches that she gave him antibiotic cream to put on. He also got a tetanus shot. He's had one, but she thought he should have another one just to be safe.

The stitches are due to come out on Saturday. The area has to be kept clean and dry, so Timmy is staying home from school this week. I got his schoolwork from his teacher. His teacher also suggested that he could get a head start on his science project, so he has been working on that. Between his schoolwork and reading Harry Potter books, he has been keeping busy. He really hasn't had very much pain. Just the first night he felt some pressure when he was lying on his side versus his back. I think lying on his side put more pressure on the stitches. The cut is on the upper bridge of his nose, and it isn't an area that moves around at all. He has had some itchiness on his face, but only on the areas that are not cut or scratched. His arms have been sore, but I think that is from the tetanus shot.

Last night we went to the Ash Wednesday Fish Fry at the kids' school. They go to a Catholic school and Ash Wednesday is a big deal, and this way Timmy didn't miss out on the whole day. Some of the kids from his class were there and he showed off his stitches. Too bad you can't sign stitches, although I'm certainly glad he didn't break anything.

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