Champagne Tuesdays in 2014

  • Feb. 27, 2014, 3:11 a.m.
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Last night I drove home in beautiful sunshine. It is moments like that which make my heart happy and remind me that some things ARE better outside of Cardiff. I wish I could take a picture but I'm always driving, but as you pull onto the main road across N. Wales at Bangor the sun was blazing onto Snowdon, still covered in snow at the top, and its beautiful. I've seen it looking lovely over the last few months, I'll be a bit sad when it has no snow on it anymore.

I drove home and stopped in Tescos on the way, which is next to where Jonny works so he came and met me and gave me a big hug and made me buy awesome blue cheese and told me not to buy wine because we have champagne in the fridge and that we were going to drink that and then go to the pub haha. We talked earlier in the day about how we were both feeling about the whole thing, and he looked after me and reassured me and we just talked stuff through. I'm so glad we're able to do that. I can't imagine doing this with someone who wasn't totally invested in it as well, and who didn't understand all the things it entails. He's been brilliant.

So I bought chicken and crackers and AWESOME CHEESE and then I went home and made paella and chatted to my mum on the phone and got grossed out by a rotten onion hiding in the cupboard that had melted and looked like it had had a period (don't ask). And then when Jonny came home we ate the paella which was noms, and then Jonny got the champagne out and I said we shouldn't drink it because you can't just drink champagne on a random Tuesday can you?!? Thats crazy talk! But it was only £14 in Tescos and he didn't even buy it, he won it a few weeks ago for something he'd done at work, and we were only going to drink it at our friends on Friday anyway so he said so what?! Lets drink it. So we did, and it was also noms :)

Champagne is awesome and made me giggly and silly after 2 tiny glasses, which is ridiculous but awesome. Then we went to the pub, but our quiz team seems to have disbanded since we've not been going since Christmas and I think the older couple who also used to join us have been ill. So we just helped the old guys out who sit at the end of the bar and then we played pool! I love playing pool. I'm not particularly good, but when me and Jonny were together a lifetime ago and I was young and cocky and didn't care if I was crap (and was also drunk a lot of the time) he taught me to play, so I can play a little bit. He is VERY good and used to play in the pool leagues. So obviously he can kick my ass. But he shows me where to hit the balls and how to play the shots so its ok, and I had a really fun night. Its silly because we literally walked across the street to a pub full of people we know and played pool but it was a really lovely night. I felt all loved up and giddy, and only a little bit of that was the champagne. Its so nice to just be able to enjoy all this stuff. It was what we both needed, to just talk about the sads, acknowledge them, and then go out and have fun and enjoy each other. And then we went home, and did more of the enjoying. Snarf.

Today I am drinking coffee and going to play roller derby tonight. So there's some silver linings.

Deleted user February 27, 2014

That sounds like a really lovely night!

Mum of Yum February 27, 2014

Yay for Champagne Tuesdays!

Etoile Filante February 27, 2014

Champagne in the bath, ah I miss my indulgent single Sundays!! xXx

Bumbly February 27, 2014

:) this made me smile

fidget February 27, 2014

Sounds like the perfect night (:

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