Real Estate is shitty in The start of something?

  • Feb. 10, 2014, 6:40 a.m.
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I'm so upset. I know this is nothing in the scheme of life, but right now I'm just so shattered...

The real estate agent called me as I was walking down my street after work to tell me the deal has fallen through. The buyers had said they had pre approval for finance but god knows what happened as their finance wasn't approved so the contract is void.

So we're back at square one except now, I've moved half my furniture out and this house looks so empty!! and so dull.. and i have to go through all this bull shit again.

The agent is a dickhead. I said why don't they try with another lender? I mean these people paid a deposit AND they paid $850 for a building inspection so they were pretty damn serious about getting this house and they must have thought they were going to get the finance!!

I'm just so upset..

My throat has constricted so tightly I wouldn't have a hope of singing right now.. can barely squeak out words. That's what happens to me when I get stressed...

I know eventually I'll get another offer and it will be over but it's still disappointing..

I'm still going to move on the 24th... But it's going to make everything just that bit more difficult..


blackpropaganda February 10, 2014

Selling a house and moving is the second most stressful thing in life - there are so many uncertainties - and no wonder you feel as you do - hope you get another offer soon.

Mum of Yum February 10, 2014

Oh I'm so sorry! I hope you find another buyer soon x

ElvenAssassin February 10, 2014

Oh no, I'd be devastated too! hugs

ermentrude February 10, 2014

House moving is so stressful so much is out of your control. :( x

whowhatwhere February 10, 2014

What a total bummer! Sorry it didn't go through.

wintergrey February 10, 2014

What happens to their deposit? I think here in the UK, if you pay a deposit and then pull out of the sale, you don't get your money back. Not sure who gets it, though... Keeping fingers crossed for you that it all works out! Take care,

Complicated Disaster February 10, 2014


Complicated Disaster February 10, 2014

And yeah.. You get to keep their deposit, right?

January Child Complicated Disaster ⋅ February 10, 2014

No I don't because their contract was subject to finance.. so no.. I get nothing except lost time..

Complicated Disaster January Child ⋅ February 10, 2014

Doesn't that defeat the purpose of a deposit??!!

January Child Complicated Disaster ⋅ February 10, 2014

Yes. That's the exact thing I told the agent!What the hell did it matter that they paid the deposit then? It meant nothing...

Adira February 10, 2014

So sorry :( Moving is stressful enough without crap like this!

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