The Irony of Sparks in Ultimate Randomness

  • Feb. 16, 2014, 11:31 p.m.
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You know, I normally don't write twice in one night (though I am sure most people did not read the other entry). However, I realize there is a certain irony in my situation. See, I am not a great fan of Nicholas Sparks. Honestly, for the most part I find The Notebook and The Vow and Dear John, be a bit too dramatic. But for those of you who have some familiarity with my story and with the Sparks novels, take a look at this. Now, I admit, there is no loss of memory in my story or anything so dramatic, just the effects of depression and temptation leading to the dissolution of a marriage. However, the guy in this story, despite the woman no longer being in love with him and, in fact, being now with a new guy, still loves the woman as much as he always has which is more than life itself. She is everything to him and he would sacrifice everything to show her how much he loves her. So, in an attempt to stay close to her, he does not leave when she informs him that she wants a divorce and she does not ask him to. They are best friends above all and she cares about him and his well-being. So he stays in the house while she is with her new guy who she stays with in the adjacent room every night. Sometimes, he can hear them through the walls when all other noise goes silent. But he does it because he still loves her and hopes that, one day, she can see that and wants him back. In the meantime, he seeks help for his depression and continues on his course through school, trying to get his teaching degree. She continues with her job and her new relationship. The plan is for him to move out after he graduates and gets a job. But alot can change in a little more than a year. It did before after all, for the negative. Anyway, this story does not have an ending as of yet and, to be honest, knowing what I know of my wife, it probably will not be the ending I am hoping for right now. Who knows? Maybe in the meantime, some other woman will see all these wonderful, positive things in me and something happens. Only time will tell. Still, I love her with everything I am and probably always will. Even if I do end up with someone else, she will have to be incredibly understanding because my wife is and always will be my best friend. Nobody knows her like I do and nobody knows me like her. But nobody could ever love her as much as I do either. Everybody who knows us can see that. The only person who can't see it is the only person that needs to see it: her. Hence why I am stuck. Still, I bet with some work, my story could make a hell of a Nicholas Sparks novel, don't ya think?

ED-It should be noted that I definitely do not look like Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling, so I don't have that going for me.

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