The Doctor goes into history. in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 10/28/2018 7:11 p.m.

  • Oct. 27, 2018, midnight
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As winter comes in and so the dark nights, and so the new television programs, Doctor Who is back and the Doctor is a lady now played by Jodie Whittaker, she has been in ‘St Trinian’s 2’ ‘Tess of the D’Urdervittes’ and was noticed in ‘Broadchurch’ with David Tennant once Doctor Who.
I thought the first stores were rather shaky but the last episode was much better, a story set in Montgomery 1955 and Rosa Parks; an actor from Bradford Yorkshire. Vinette Robinson to on the part well, Rosa was centre though the episode; Rosa Parks refusing to give up her Bus seat started the Montgomery the Bus Boycott.
I think it is one of Doctor Who’s episodes since the sixties, in the first a part of Doctor Who was to use history in the stories.

01:17 BST 27:10:2018

Last updated October 28, 2018

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