I did it... in Come Down

Revised: 08/06/2018 4:16 p.m.

  • Aug. 6, 2018, midnight
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I don’t think I mentioned it previously but he got me a ring finally. Nothing special… it was just another impulsive, not so meaningful purchase he made.

I remember early in our relationship (sorry for the limited details) after a “fiance” story, I was thinking to myself wondering if we would ever get that far. Funny thing is I though I would be the issue in the relationship and if I was it would hve ended a long time ago I bet…

Well hey, he may not only ever make it to engagement status but I now know, it took this long and I’m glad a whole year or 2 didnt pass before he asked. The thing is… I’m not sure if I’ll even want to be with him that long anyway. I’m still thinking about it because if I at least want or need a companion, I rather keep this one because I’m not starting over. If not, I’m never attempted intimate relations again. I feel that I’m forever destroyed and I wont ever get over this relationship…

Anyway, my purpose of this post is that the ring he got me was too big. It’s getting so annoying. Seems to be getting looser by the day. As if the ring is reassuring me that i shouldn’t be with him…

I’m only suffering because I DECIDED TO WORK THINGS OUT AND STAY.

Last updated August 06, 2018

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