Surprises (September 27, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 8:48 p.m.
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Well yesterday was my birthday. I turned 19. Weird because I was just getting used to being 18.

It was actually really great.

I wasn't in a very good mood when I first woke up...mostly because I was worried about my history exam. I made a B on my political science one and an A on my psych one. I was fine with them. That made me happy.

When I got back from class I got a surprise. I went into my room and the first thing I saw were blue post-it notes EVERYWHERE. When I say everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE. They were all over my walls all with a message written on them. They all had inside jokes and messages about how much I was loved. There was a little pinata on my bed filled with candy and it was holding balloons. There was also confetti ALL over my floor and bed. I found out later that they put it on my ceiling fan so when I turned it on the confetti cascaded down on me. They also wrote little messages on all three of my mirrors.

Lillie recorded me going into my bedroom. I was so surprised. I almost cried. It is just so nice to have people that care about you. People who care enough to go through all the trouble of putting together a great birthday.

They took me out to dinner and when we got home Karla made us chocolate souffles. Delicious! We all went into the living room and watched Avatar. I had never seen it. It was awesome!

We mostly just stayed up and laughed about everything :)

My birthday was simple, but it was very nice. I am very lucky to have such great friends.

OH! I didn't tell you the best part. I swear I think guy I like was flirting with me! (Not for sure though, but I was excited anyway). So we had to do this thing in class with a partner and we always partner up together. We had to walk around campus for it so we got to be semi alone together for about an hour.

He ended up talking something about facebook and I told him my dislike of facebook. He was like oh so this is why you don't have don't have one do you? Looks like guy has been looking me up. Also, at the beginning of class he talked about how hungry he was and when class was over and we were walking out he was like yea there is a Wendy's over there... you said you were thirsty so we could go. On the inside I was leaping for joy. This to me means that he enjoys my company at least.

Stupid me is like oh no I have drinks at home! (I am seriously putting myself in the friend zone!) The weird thing is that he didn't walk to Wendy's like I thought he would...he complained a lot about how hungry he was.

I started to overthink...maybe he had said that as an excuse to have me tag along with him....I don't know. If this is true that makes me very happy.

So there was some realization yesterday. Maybe he does like me a little. I don't know.

Fingers crossed!

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