Worries... and the Friend Zone (September 5, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 10:34 p.m.
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I have good news and bad news...lets start with the bad news first.

Well my sister Lea has been calling me and telling me about how my mother has been going on her drinking binges again...just leaving for two or three days and drinking herself into comas...not telling anyone where she is.

Lea is scared and I am scared for her. She was telling me how tired of living in that house she is. She said she hates listening to her rants and seeing her just sitting in her room being depressed. I love my sister more than anything. I told her that I have enough money to support me and her for the year. She is doing homeschooling so I could help her and monitor her work and tests. I could take responsibility for her and give her sound of mind and security...she won't have to fucking worry about no one buying food for the house. She said there is nothing that she wants to do more, but she has a boyfriend who lives there and goes to work there...she said she doesn't want to leave him.

I am a bit upset about that but I can't do anything about it. All I can do is tell her how much I love her and will always be there for her. I hope she decides to come and live with me. I would feel so much better. My mother won't be hurting anyone else but herself.

Well now on to the good news.

I am really loving all of my classes. I think that I have a good chance of doing well in all of them. Even my statistics class is going well. I understand what I am doing and my professor is very helpful.

That gets rid of a lot of stress.

One of the best things is that there is a guy in one of my classes that I really like. The first day of class I saw him and thought he was so cute. When he sat next to me I was really surprised. He spoke to me and I talked back. He is so interesting and funny. I enjoy his company.

This is usually where the problems start for me. I like a guy and he likes me too...he thinks I'm funny...that is the problem. I become the friend. I am forever in the friend zone! The land of you aren't going to be any object of my sexual affection!

I really hope that doesn't happen with this guy though. I don't want to be his "bro". Hopefully I can take two seconds to quit being awkward and flirt with him.

I am happy that I found someone to like. I rarely find people that I am attracted to. It is nice to have that feeling again.

Wish me luck.

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