18 in 2018 in Musings

  • Jan. 5, 2018, 10:06 a.m.
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I took this challenge put up by Gretchen Rubin in the Happier podcast to make list of 18 things to accomplish in 2018. It’s a mix of easy things and difficult things. Clearly defined things and more ambiguous things. Here it is in no particular order:

1️⃣ Run/Walk in a race
2️⃣ Become a meal planner/prepper
3️⃣ Complete a yoga challenge (my favorite YouTube yogi Adrienne has 30 day challenges she puts up every now and then)
4️⃣ Organize spending for work. (The receipt pile gets ridiculous and I hate spreadsheets bleh)
✔️5️⃣ Voluteer services to humane society (I sent the head of the shelter the link to my shop and told her I’d be interested in helping them with my abilities in some way. We are in communications about it)
6️⃣ Have a weekend getaway with just Nathan (I don’t even care if we go anywhere cool we just need to go somewhere without the kiddos for a couple days)
7️⃣ Do a random act of kindness challenge (still looking into this. If anyone has a good idea for this let me know!)
8️⃣ Make the “The T-Rex Who Wore a Tutu” book into bound copy for the girls (I wrote a book a while back for Leah but as it was handwritten it got pretty destroyed. I’m not 100% sure how to do this but I’m thinking of just taking photos of the illustrations and then uploading it into a photo book on Shutterfly or something like that)
✔️9️⃣ Hang up art on the walls (We actually did this New Year’s Day!)
1️⃣0️⃣ Write up some crochet patterns to possibly sell (I have never actually written out any of my patterns. I just know how to do them. I really want to have them written up for myself but might sell too)
1️⃣1️⃣ Host a friend party. (I’ve hosted family parties at our house but never one just for friends. I’m thinking when the weather is nice having a barbecue for some of our friends at church and let the kids play outside)
1️⃣2️⃣ Recruit brand reps (I’m hoping to have a select few instagrammers to showcase my items)
1️⃣3️⃣ Organize the garage
1️⃣4️⃣ Have my sewing machine fixed (It got broken when we moved. I just need to figure out who can fix it)
1️⃣5️⃣ Go get blood glucose level checked at the doctor (Diabetes runs in the family plus I had it in both pregnancies)
1️⃣6️⃣ Read six NEW books (I get hung up on reading the same books over and over. Any recommendations here would be nice. I like fantasy as well as self help/happiness stuff and true crime)
1️⃣7️⃣ Learn to make chicken and dumplings (It is 100% my comfort food. My grandma and Mom both make it for me but I need to learn myself!)
1️⃣8️⃣ Have family photos made (I have a friend who has a photography business who I want to hire for this probably in the Spring)

Last updated January 05, 2018

theocean. January 06, 2018

I love the Happier podcast too! Good luck with your 18 in 2018. Focusing on Instagram and brands is a goal of mine this year too. The med circle tends to do a lot of scrub giveaways and stuff like that, haha.

faded memories theocean. ⋅ January 06, 2018

Fun! Your Instagram is so cute and you always look fabulous. I hope growing your following goes well :)

northern lights January 07, 2018

I feel like I need to create a 18 in 2018 thing now! (But won’t cause I’m lazy!)

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