Bicentennial 🇺🇸 Independence in Strangely Estranged

  • Nov. 7, 2017, 4:05 a.m.
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Those are the names of my grade school and high school. Thinking back over my life, it seems everything was done with a purpose. These two schools and their names probably didn’t just happen.

But why? Why would they purposely send me to schools that symbolize everything great about our country? You simply cannot see the names without thinking about our Independence from the U.K., the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Life, Liberty and of course, “FREEDOM!”

What do these things have to do with my life… now or ever? I’ve been held hostage my entire life, treated as an object… a piece of property that must be used until it can be used no more and then discarded at the predetermined date.

While here I am not at liberty to speak freely about who I am, why I’m here or what they’ve designated my purpose as. Merely speaking about myself is regarded as a breach of national security.

My house is subject to around the clock electronic eye search, inside, outside and in the bathroom and on the toilet. Agents regularly break into the property to seize, plant items, move items, swap out items or steal property.

I have been moved into a neighborhood that consists largely of people sent here to monitor my activities and manipulate my behaviors.

My activities and behaviors are also scripted by what’s basically a theatre team that stages everything I come in contact with. Everything I purchase, everyone I meet, everywhere I work and everything I do.

Most importantly, WHEN I do, these things are managed down to the nanosecond. I continually catch myself performing a behavior at a specific time and must pause to throw off their schedule. I do that as a way to get back at these fanatics.

My theory is that the theatre team working in conjunction with the NSA or other similar organization transmits the daily script via subliminal and artificial telepathy to my brain and reads my thoughts and sees what I’m seeing by accessing my brains neural activity by way of a technology called Remote Neural Monitoring.

Each day of my life is broadcast to a large group of trusted individuals who watch and critique my every move. Nothing is off limits for them, there is no escape, never a private moment, completely alone in a world with millions watching.

My activities are also broadcast for all to see by creating fake news stories that covertly tell the story to those who can pick up on this practice. In this manner my identity is kept somewhat secret while the news about me can still reach the public.

So basically I live as a puppet in a scripted reality TV show that I’m not compensated for and one that I cannot escape. I believe they decided to eliminate me after finding that I have Jewish blood apparently. Our family never told me about this so it’s news to me. They’ve made my role the villain in order to make my non-Jewish replacement look good and take the focus off of his behavior. In this way, they will appear as the good guy hero once I’m taken out.

My anticipated death will be spectacular, no doubt and watched by the privileged and trusted. Coming Soon… Snuff Live! Everyone else will see it on national news networks, probably disguised as someone else dying. Perhaps the President?

Now tell me, what does my life have to do with any of the rights any other American Citizen takes for granted? Why don’t my feelings matter, why am I being blamed for the situation they have locked me into? Why am I not treated as an American citizen? Why did they select someone with Jewish blood for this position when this is unacceptable to them?

They have tried to label my removal as being caused by sexual deviancy, when in fact it’s a cover up of the actual reasons, a Jew who wasn’t born into the craft who couldn’t hurt a fly.

Considering those they look up to are sexual deviants, condemning me for the same makes no sense. They’re playing themselves as angels taking out evil when in fact they are evil projecting evil onto me in order to make themselves look like good people. “But I go to church”, C.S.D.

Why have me go to those schools at all… this is not that America, this is not that American dream. This is their American nightmare, sponsored by:

🏴The Shane Co, Lasts a Non-Jewish Lifetime

Last updated February 07, 2018

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