Sweet spot in Musings

  • Dec. 29, 2017, 9:28 p.m.
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It’s been 2 months since I updated and it has FLOWN by. I guess it’s true what they say about time flying when you’re having fun. Life has been so deliciously sweet lately. We enjoyed time with all of our family members at some point or another. I had a really great holiday season with my shop. And now all the busyness is winding down and we have got to enjoy some slow days at home.

I blinked my eyes and Leah has turned into, well, a kid. She went from an easy going baby, into a rambunctious toddler and now that she’s nearing 4 and a half she is just— her. She is sweet and considerate. She asks everyone how they are feeling and if they’re okay all the time. She plays by herself happily but still loves spending time with others. She is imaginative and creative. She’s always coming up with plans and putting them into action. She picks out her own outfits and they’re often mismatched and I secretly love it. She sings so amazingly well for a 4 year old. I can’t wait til she gets to do choir at church next year. She is such a joy. I’m glad she’s ours. I know she will go in and out of SO many phases in the coming years but it feels amazing to have survived the baby and toddler years with her and be able to just enjoy her.

Alex is just entering into toddlerhood at 17 months. We are slowly but surely seeing the similarities and differences between her and her sister. She is definitely lower energy. But still can be outgoing and loves everyone. One of her favorite toys are baby dolls. She doesn’t say a lot of words quite yet but she will squeal “baby!” with so much delight when she plays with hers. (She subsequently got 3 babies for Christmas and loves them all) She loves to “cook” with me when really means she likes to sit on the counter or stand on a stool to watch me and get nibbles of food while I’m cooking. She likes to figure things out. She doesn’t talk as much as her sister did at this age but she’s every bit as smart in her ingenuity. She is still my sensitive soul. She gets her feelings hurt. My mom swears she’s just like me when I was little in both looks and demeanor. I’m not sure how I feel about raising a little me— I wasn’t always the easiest child to deal with emotionally. But hopefully I can relate to her well.

Nathan is enjoying his new job so far. I am always amazed at his ablity to fit in so well in different environments. He of course surprised me again this year with an added gift. I’d ask for and got a letter board and then he snuck in with a fit bit after the gifts were all opened. I like it so far. He and I have gotten to fit in some great moments while we can. I actually enjoy road trips with him. The girls are both pretty good car riders so we get the chance to just talk and listen to silly podcasts together. I’m just glad he’s the one I get to do life with. And I’m glad he puts up with me and still loves me after all these years.

I’m sure there’s more to ramble on about but I’m going to bed early because my bed is so comfy and warm right now :) I hope you’ve all had blessed holidays!

northern lights December 30, 2017

This is so lovely :)

theocean. January 01, 2018

I'm so happy life it treating you well! Happy New Year! <3

sourapple January 03, 2018

Gonna be honest with you, this whole post made me feel all warm and cozy inside!! haha It's wonderful reading how much you love your family. <3

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