On a lighter note. in Hello.

  • Oct. 31, 2017, 4:42 p.m.
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Tonight Eleanor wanted to go Trick or Treating. Or just go out in her costume…one or the other, I’m not sure. I was lucky in that Wilko’s had reduced all their Halloween stuff today, so I went in and bought her some bits I thought she’d probably wear after Halloween anyway, a skeleton t-shirt, tights, a purple bat bag and a little plastic bat. She already had a Day of the Dead mask John bought her for dress up at school, so she managed to concoct a pretty good Haloween outfit out of what she had.

(Let me know if you can’t see this. I don’t get on the PC very often these days so I’m a bit out of touch, haha!)
So this evening I took her out. I decided to take her up near to where John’s sister lives, because it’s a big estate. I told her she was only to knock on houses with Halloween things up in the house. There was slim pickings. She went to Katie’s first, after being told by another family that they were answerng, haha! She knocked on one other house with Halloween decorations up, then my auntie Mary’s house. We stayed at my auntie Mary’s for a while, playing with the bird and the new baby cousin, Makayla. Then we tried in vain to find other houses with decorations up....we saw one, lights on. Eleanor knocked…no reply. It was raining and cold, so she said she wanted to go home. She had quite a few sweets, so she was happy anyway. 3 houses....and I’m guessing it might be our last Trick or Treat, seeing as she’s almost 11 and she’ll probably be too cool for it this time next year. (She’s wearing my long black coat on this photo.)

Rob and I are making provisional plans. He has time off he needs to take in January, so I’m hoping I can get a few days off as well. We’re thinking of going to London for a bit of a break. It will be a welcome distraction from the same time last year when he was fighting for his life in ICU. I don’t want to always associate that time with something horrible, it would be nice to make amazing memories. I’ve given him the option of either going to sit on a Scottish island to stare at the sea (or something similar!), or go on a city break. I’m easy, I’m aware it’s for him. It was Rob who decided he’d like to go to London for a bit. The last time I went to London, I was actually 13 weeks pregnant with him and we travelled down on the bus to stay with my friend. Obviously I’d get the train, there is no way I’m driving the length of the country then driving through the bloody capital, haha!

On Thursday I’m going to a meditation class. I’ve been interested in meditation for years and years, and I’m almost certain I employ certain techniques naturally to help myself go to sleep. But with my latest spell of negative thoughts, I’d like to be able to meditate without dropping off. So I’m going to start drop in classes this week. I’d love to be able to do it when I’m out and about places. I spent ages in Wilko’s trying to find myself a perfect meditation blanket to take. The only one that ‘spoke’ to me was pale pink. I don’t normally do pink, I find it too jarring. But this one seemed peaceful somehow. My kids seem to think so too, they’ve all had a cuddle with it! I’m hoping that once I have this under the belt, I can start mindfulness too. Meditation is definitely on my bucket list to try. I don’t normally like classes, I haven’t been in one since my degree. The thought of strangers makes me anxious. But I think this class, seeing as we’ll all be in our own space with our eyes closed, might be what I’m looking for. If it’s not, I’ve not lost anythng, only gained a pink blanket!

Last updated October 31, 2017

Bumbly November 01, 2017

Mark was disappointed this year because they did a whole thing about only knocking if there were decorations but only announcing it on the radio on the day so we had none and no trick or treaters. I was pleased as it’s a good excuse to eat the sweets haha

Bomb Shell November 01, 2017

I would definitely agree with you getting the train to London, I always go on the train and would never ever drive there! The traffic is an absolute nightmare and it's quicker to walk, never mind the congestion charge.

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