Frustrations... in The start of something?

  • Jan. 27, 2014, 6:49 a.m.
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Ahhh you've got to love the real estate game hey!

My house is on the market. It all seemed to happen so quickly!

Sign went up then a few days later I had my first open.

17 groups came through in 45 minutes.

The real estate guy was beside himself in excitement and said that was a lot of people in this market.. not 17 people, 17 GROUPS of people so if they all brought at least one person, that was 34 people walking through my house in 45 minutes. Makes me a feel a little creeped out... Anyhow that was on the Saturday. On the Monday he tells me two groups want another walk through and they're arranging this for Tuesday 6pm... When Tuesday 6pm comes, there are three groups having another look. Out of all these people, only one group, an Indian group, were seriously interested...

They wrote out an offer THAT night and the agent presented it to me on Wednesday.

Let me explain something first.. I bought the house for $382 500 Oct 2012 I had it on the market with an asking price between $399 000 and $430 000. I would have been happy with anything over $390 000 but will have covered my costs at $400 000.

The offer the agent present me with was $432 500. You can imagine my jaw hit the floor!!!! I thought it was a scam... The agent said these people have been looking for a while and have been narrowly outbid on the last two houses... So it seemed believable right? I signed and cool off started...

But then on Saturday the agent called me and said they'd changed their mind about the asking price and now wanted to offer $415 000.

And I know it's stupid to be mad about that because it's way more than I was ever hoping to get but I don't like the sneaky underhanded way they've gone about it. Apparently that's a trick some buyers use to secure a property (that is, it's off the market while they're offer is in) while they continue to look ...

So i came back and said no $420 000... but the agent called me today (Monday) and said they won't budge from $415000 but they are serious... So I said "Well I'd be stupid to say no so go ahead but I don't trust them and this whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth"

So now tomorrow I sign the ammended contract and cool off STARTS AGAIN.

How annoying... and they still have to organise a building inspection so god knows what's going to happen after that because there are things wrong with the house...

If it all goes through, settlement will be on February the 26th but I will move out the weekend before that date... and I'm pretty sure I'm only going to be doing superficial cleaning until then and won't be watering any lawns goddamit!!!

I shouldn't be talking too soon... so many things could still go wrong...

caramelchicken January 27, 2014

Ugh that's incredibly sneaky and annoying... good luck with the sale! :) At least you got heaps of interest in your house, I think Bob and I will have to rent out his house as there's been so little interest.

January Child caramelchicken ⋅ January 27, 2014

I didn't know you were trying to sell. I was really nervous as I've only heard how terrible the market is.. and you know, I've always heard that your first offer is usually the best offer so I'm not going to keep playing around.. hopefully this all goes through.

whowhatwhere January 27, 2014

They just didn't want to lose another house. They probably figured with all those other people looking that you would have another offer as well. Personally, I would be happy to sell it that fast and at that price.

Mum of Yum January 27, 2014

Good luck, I hope it all goes through as planned!

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