Thursday in Day by day

  • Jan. 30, 2014, 3:34 a.m.
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It's Thursday morning and it feels more like night time as it is so dark, I hate dark days. I will be getting out soon into fresh air taking Archie for his walk.

Yesterday, was a nice day. Jennette replied to my text and said she was out doing her food shopping and would be back for 11am and she had nothing planned for rest of the day.

I then took Archie for a quick walk and headed out. I helped her in with her shopping then gave her a card and small present to open today on her birthday. I believe she is 37 this time. We had a quick coffee and a chat then headed out to Bents. Bents is a very posh garden centre. We bought bought a Yankee candle and then thought we may as well have lunch there. The food and drinks are very expensive but well work it. I had a prawn and salmon salad and Jennette had a Greek salad both we just wonderfull. Then it was time to go ban Jennettes. Another cup of tea and more chatting before I headed home to let Archie out. It was so wonderful to spend quality time with Jennette.

Today we will be meeting Jennette at nandos for her birthday meal.

I was asked what befriending was?

In August last year I joined the charity mind as a volunteer. It has took this long to get through the process and finally get a placement. So Tuesday was my first visit, I hope of many to Susan. A befriender is simply someone who goes to visit some as a friend through a charity. As the weather picks up I will give more and more of my time to Mind. There is so much I can do there and there is things going on most days.

Time to get on with my day, gave fun all

Deleted user January 30, 2014

It is great that you are doing some charity work. I hope you will find it rewarding.

jamez January 30, 2014

I’ve just read your entry in OD, I’ve popped over here and added you to my friends list, I have most of my friends here from OD; so the important part of OD is here on Prose box already. Most of us have our old ‘on-line’ names, know what to I write ………!! [this it seem’s]

Livnjust4me January 30, 2014

Charity work is fun and rewarding at the same time...glad to meet you here from OD..

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