Chetco Bar Fire in Talk Story

  • Aug. 25, 2017, 9:50 a.m.
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“Update: the Chetco Bar Fire is still burning ferociously just to the east and north of us, growing every day - now over 110,000 acres. That is bigger than the town of Portland - the largest city in Oregon. The towns of Brookings and Harbor and unincorporated areas all the way to the border are now on Level 1 alert - high caution. North of town is on Level 2 - imminent evacuation; and to the east on Level 3 - full evacuation. The fire is within 5 miles of the town. Over 1100 firefighters from all over the country are here building containment lines, dropping water and retardant and protecting homes. Blessings to them! Must say it is heartwarming to see this community come together, offer each other help and support and welcome to our new temporary residents. Today and tomorrow will be the turning point as the weather warms up and winds blow down the valleys toward the ocean. So far my home is not threatened, but, as with any large fire, that could change, so I am all packed and on alert. Our little corner of Paradise is in trouble and I appreciate all the support and prayers.”

Aloha oe…

TruNorth August 25, 2017

Frightening news. I hope you are spared from the fire.

aunty EM August 25, 2017

One of those firefighters might well be my great nephew. Stay safe my friend.

crystal butterfly August 25, 2017

Hopefully the fire gets put out before it gets to your area. It is amazing how people can work together during times of crisis.

ODSago August 25, 2017

Oh my! Wishing for heavy rains but not flooding ...anything that will help. Hope it is contained soon. Air must be difficult for those with asthmatic sorry.

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