English right extremist! in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 06/19/2017 7:04 a.m.

  • June 19, 2017, midnight
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  • Public

An English right extremist has killed a man outside a north London Mosque, he droved a van into a crowd of Muslim’s, there were 10 injured.

There has been 100 attack of Mosques in England between 2013 and 2016, this is the first murder in a action; I would hope this doesn’t happen again.

There has been right extremist people and right extremist parties, let the people have people in among then ready to round them up.

13:04 BST 19:06:2017

Last updated June 19, 2017

Deleted user June 19, 2017

London has become a hotbed of trouble lately . Ihoe they get a grip on it soon .

jamez Deleted user ⋅ June 19, 2017

This trouble is home made, they could start bad truble

Deleted user jamez ⋅ June 19, 2017

I pray not ;-(

NorthernSeeker June 19, 2017

Murder and terrorism...so disgusting.

DeadAir June 19, 2017

Man actually suffered from mental illness. And the person who died was injured before he drove the van into those people. He wasn't a member of any right wing organization. However its nice that after Murdering countless innocents this year alone there is an outcry for hate crimes against Islam and its twisted followers.

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