Adventures in Babysitting in Muddling Through As Best I Can

  • May 1, 2017, 9:57 a.m.
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So, I babysat six of the grandchildren yesterday and then stayed overnight at my son’s house to have breakfast with them.
I love watching over them when I can; they’re great children, ranging in age from 7 years down to two years. They also remind me of what it was like when my kids we’re little, and why full time parenting is best left to younger folks.
Did you know:

All dirt and sand in a back yard is magnetically attracted to, and evenly dispersed among, all children in said yard?

Sticks and twigs are only attracted to little girls hair, where they will spin and twist until forming a Gordian knot.

Never make the snack they ask for, it’s a trap. They’ll want whatever the child next to them asks for, but only after you’ve prepared a gourmet snack worthy of Gordon Ramsay’s praise.

You will dispense enough water to supply a nation of dehydrated camels, but only from your own water bottle. Apparently it tastes better.

Love is transient, backwash is forever.

And whatever you do, for love of all that is good and pure, never give the red bowl child a green spoon. Find the red spoon if you value your sanity. Just trust me on that, and let’s never speak of it again.

All I can say is that my daughter in law is a marvel. She has four of the six full time, yet her home is together. She runs their business, does photography on the side, and is working on her bachelor’s degree. And she makes it look easy.

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