So so so so so . . . . in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Jan. 29, 2014, 4:51 p.m.
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. . . it's all aboard and off we go.

I wish I could say that a change of scenery made the updates more impressive, but things are generally settled. That's a good thing from the inside, but doesn't make for good reading.

Being the start of the year, I am on a diet. This means I do not get to eat lots of chips and cheese and pizza and ice-cream, because taste is apparently measured in calories and I'm not allowed many of those. Pah and pfooey to this, I say. This is silly, and the sooner someone can get around to inventing the calory-free ice-cream the happier we'll all be.

Kind of necessary though. I plan to lose around a stone overall. I have a spreadsheet counting calories and monitoring my weight and body fat percentage, and I'm at least 99% sure that I just became the single most dull individual in the known universe for at least the next five minutes. It's just that you have to go with what you're good at, and stats geekery is kind of my thang. . . .

That and the llamas.

So far so good according to the spreadsheet. Yes. I'll shut up about that now. Enough of such sillyness . . . . Let the llamosity begin!

enter image description here

unimportant January 29, 2014

I am a spreadsheet geek, too :)

my.halo.has.slipped February 01, 2014

Have you ever used myfitnesspal? It's an app I use when I'm dieting - tracks calories, weight and all that good stuff. Also gives a good analysis of the food you've had.

zizi42 February 02, 2014

'ello. . . . :) You know, I have tried that app briefly - didn't quite work for me; mainly the time involved doing all the data entry. I keep it a bit more simplistic on my spreadsheet. I'm lazy like that. . . .

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