So Much for Daily in The Past

  • Jan. 12, 2017, 4:23 a.m.
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So much for daily writing, eh?

I haven’t had much energy really to write. Well, that and the fact that I spent the last few days playing 7 Days to Die with Maili.... I know, shameful, right?

Work is going okay… I finally got tired of the bullshit from one of my coworkers, and went to the manager. I told her the truth… I wasn’t sure if I was just being over sensitive or if the other lady had it out for me, but I was getting tired and disheartened. Boss lady brought up the fact that my not giving R a report that she needed for payroll caused her more work, because she had to go back and change some information. I pointed out the fact that I was never told by R exactly when she needed the report - that I knew that I needed to print it for each pay period, but that I wasn’t told when she wanted it by. I was using the timeline that I personally had for payroll, which wasn’t her timeline, but it was the only info that I had. I also pointed out that I had it written on two different calendars (my task one, and my mini one) when to do the report and that I was taking steps to make sure that it wouldn’t happen again, now that I finally know when she wanted it. It’s this kind of thing that pisses me off. Last thing that R told me bout that report was that she wanted me to put it in a certain file, and then she got pissed that I didn’t know where the file was… but that’s a part of payroll that I wasn’t a part of. -shakes her head- It’s just things like that.

Talking to the manager might not change anything, but at least I know that someone has heard how I felt… I am trying to make sure that I take better care of my mental state this year. Or at least attempting to.

Other news…

I’m gearing up for Letter-Mo. I ordered a new pen and some really snazzy ink and paper from Goulet Pens. I didn’t want to spend the money on a full bottle of ink only to find out that I didn’t like it, so instead I went with a couple sample packs… each pack has 2ml of 8 different colors… I think I got 4 packs, so that’s a whopping 32 colors that I can play with. I also got the stuff I need to take care of my pen, so I’m happy. I just need to find a good place to put everything so that I don’t lose it. I’m thinking I’m going to buy a cheap office chair for my desk upstairs and use that as my writing desk, get my daily letters out. I also got a wax seal stamp and wax to use with it.

I’m spending this weekend with Nate, it’s his birthday so we’re going to spend the weekend together. Saturday we’re going to the movies with his son. We’re going to see Sing, and probably going to spend some time at Chuck E Cheese, since I still have money on the play passes we got for his cousin’s son’s birthday. I figure that’ll be a good time. Except it means I’m going to get my ass kicked by Bradley at Fruit Ninja. I don’t understand how we can be doing the exact same thing and he can double my score. He just sucks. >.< Well, no, I suck, but I’d rather blame it on him.

I’m hoping that this year is better than last. I’m trying to keep a positive attitude. Easier said than done for the most part, but it’s like I told Nate last night… as long as I keep myself from getting hungry, I’m usually in a decent mood. I really get cranky when I’m hungry. He offered to buy me a bag of snickers for this weekend. I threatened to let my pillow give him really long kisses. True love, eh?

That’s pretty much what I’m up to these days. I’m starting to get things together for conventions and the like, but that’s… it’s going really slow. x.x

In odd news… I tried this local cold coffee thing (coffee and chocolate milk, yum) today. I normally don’t get affected by coffee, at least not that I notice, but today… holy shit. My leg bounced for an hour, at least until I noticed, then it stopped for a few moments and went back to bouncing. Totally up on caffine. I don’t know how I feel bout that, but at least I didn’t have the 2 o’clock fade today.

Last updated March 04, 2019

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