We have snow...! in Talk Story

  • Jan. 3, 2017, 11:35 p.m.
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For just the third time during the ten years that I have lived in Brookings… it snowed…!

It is not too cold… mid 30s… but we definitely have snow on the ground… even at the beach…

I went to a New Years Eve party at the home of one of my neighbors… lots of champagne… lots of good food to snack on… nice people… lots of silliness… and just a short walk home afterward…

I woke up Sunday morning with a scratchy throat… and a bit of a tickle in my chest… thought I might be coming down with a cold… but woke up this morning feeling normal again (go figure)…

So… all remains well with me…

I hope that you are enjoying the start of this new year…!

Me ke aloha…

dream seeker January 03, 2017

It was 74 and gorgeous here today, but they are saying we might get a little snow on Friday. I really hope so! I think snow is so gorgeous! I bet it's beautiful on the beach.

ODSago January 04, 2017

predicted 85 at four today in central fl --we have had snow twice since 1973. Really funny seeing Fl folk trying to put on warm clothes and play in the snow. Plastic baggies on hands, etc. Of course both times it melted quickly.

ConnieK January 04, 2017

Hot and muggy down here on the Gulfcoast. Better weather this weekend.

aunty EM January 04, 2017

Probably an allergic reaction to some of those New Year's Eve snacks...

Deleted user January 04, 2017

:) How wonderful that you got snow! :)

middle age pearl January 04, 2017

Normal. And how does that feel? lol

crystal butterfly January 04, 2017

Snow was in our forecast for tomorrow, but I think it is gone now. But we are back down into the 20s and below. A little snow would be nice.

duchess January 04, 2017

Its 11 here and snow 1-3 inches possible tonight.
I am glad you are feeling better today.

^..^Kat January 05, 2017

Happy New Year, Jim.

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