Cherish in Musings

  • Dec. 15, 2016, 2:12 a.m.
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I feel the need for a good long rambly update so here you go :)

Nathan started his new job and he likes it. I’m not sure if I wrote this before but it is technically a temp job. But most people find a permanent job within the company or with the connections they make through the people on base. He’s not too worried so I try not to be. I really hate the idea of us having to start over again in a few months. I will just try not to think about it and just be thankful for this time.

Being a stay at home mom to both my girls is wonderful yet so so tiring. My day seems to be directly effected by my 3 year old’s ability to listen and not run wild. The past couple of days we have started having “Dance breaks” We turn on music and both just dance and run around for several songs. It helps her get some energy out and it’s really good exercise. Plus she always ends up happy and giggling. That and balancing my time between directly paying attention to her and allowing her the freedom of independent play seem to be helping us have calmer days.

Alex is still suuuuch a good baby. She’s been sleeping through the night more often now. She’s an early to bed early to rise kind of girl. So she is usually sleeping 7:00-6 or somewhere around in there. I’m so thankful to not have to wake up in the night I don’t even mind getting up early. She’s so sweet and happy and goes with the flow for the most part. She pretty much goes along with whatever her sister and I are doing that day and loves any attention she can get but also loves observing and soaking everything in.

I finished off my Christmas orders for my shop. And I made the decision to start making things and selling them as I go for a while. I make way more money and get more business than I can handle taking custom orders. BUT it’s draining. And trying to go by deadlines is so hard when I’m not getting as much time to work these days. So my plan currentlt is to make as many cuties as I can with the yarn I have now. I hate having it sitting around taking up space.

My Christmas shopping is done. I just have to make some goodies for everyone. I wish I could do more for our families. They’ve helped us so much in our rough time. I can’t believe how blessed we are to have them. We have SO many celebrations coming up. It’s exhausting with two little girls in tow but I’m so excited. Leah really gets it this year and loves everything to do with Christmas. Except Santa. Lol.

We just now finished having a family movie night. Leah loved Elf and Alex made it almost all the way through it before snoozing. I really want to cherish every minute I can as cheesy as that sounds. I know we have so many years left of our kids being “little” but it feels like it is already slipping away. My anxieties have seemed to calm down a bit and I’m breathing in these moments as much as I can.

I hope you’re all having a happy holiday season. I am still reading but I always seem to forget to note. I care about you all though and really truly wish you the best.

Last updated December 15, 2016

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