In depth survey in Public Surveys

  • Nov. 14, 2016, 1:19 a.m.
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  • Public

Name: Sabrina

Country: USA

A food you loved as a child that you still love as an adult: Ritz crackers…seriously the best.

What was your favorite color as a child? Pink for the most part. Then I got to tomboy stage and pink was too girly, so I liked green.

Current favorite color(s)? Pink, blue, green, purple, black, red

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? This changed a little bit, but it was generally the same thing. I wanted to be an ice skater and a teacher.

Did your career work out as planned as a child? Yes and no. I am a teacher. I always loved children, even as a kid having younger siblings. Ice skater? No. It sounds funny, but ice skating is scarier than I thought it would be. Not saying I wouldn’t still love to ice dance…I would, it’s a part of me…I can’t say why, I don’t know, but I love it. Just something about it that draws me to the idea. It just looks fun yet peaceful.

Did your parents tell you anything they wanted you to do? Not entirely, no. My mom had mentioned that I would make a good nurse, but she never pushed it, and it wasn’t for me. I have a weak stomach and can’t imagine doing half the stuff nurses do.

What did you believe in as a child? Religion? Santa? Ghosts? Tooth fairy? Etc? What about as an adult? As a child I was taught to be Christian, and maybe believed it as a young child, but as I got old enough to “understand” I really didn’t understand at all and it just wasn’t for me. My parents never had us believe in Santa. The tooth fairy attempt failed when I saw them put quarters under my pillow (light sleeper here! Always have been!) Ghosts…no I can’t say that, though I sometimes have a feeling that I’m being watched that creeps me out and I can’t explain.

What kind of music did you like growing up? Country lol

What kind of music do you like now? Oldies, rock, and pop, some r&b

What was your favorite season as a kid? Winter for sure! I loved building snowmen, sledding, playing outdoors most of the day, making cookies, hot chocolate, etc!

What is your current favorite season? Autumn

Did you collect anything as a kid? Mickey and Minnie Mouse and cats.

What do you collect now? Butterflies

Did you ever eat something so much as a kid that you can’t eat now? Peanut butter…so much peanut butter. Peanut butter cookies, sandwiches, melted on bread, on toasted bread, by the spoon…so much. I can take it in very small random quantities now, but not much or often at all.

What is something you were scared of as a kid that you are still scared of today? Dogs…to an extent. Nothing like as a kid, I used to be completely terrified of ALL dogs, even family dogs. I have gotten better in the sense, if it belongs to someone I know I’m generally okay with that. Random dog walking down the street? I freak out inside. Heights, I hate heights. Bugs…again, not as bad, depending on the bug, but still hate them! My dad hah. Losing the people I love and care about, yes I was worried as a child, I lost several people close to me.

Name some random childhood memories that you still think about time to time: There was one street I lived on that to me at the time was kinda…magical. In it’s own way. The doors had really old fashioned keys. The door the to attic was in my room. I had an old fashioned key to my room and the attic. We had huge oak trees in the back that I loved to climb, we had a swing and a tire swing that I just loved and our neighbor was an amazing older lady who would talk to us, give us candy, and we would draw her pictures. I looked up to her, thought she was amazing. She had this amazing garden in the front and back of her house. Just LOVED that place.

I had another thing…but my mind went blank after writing that.

What did you spend time doing as a child? Playing with a doll house and baby dolls, playing with my siblings, playing outside…bikes, rollerskating/blading, playing in leaves and snow, swimming, coloring.

What do you spend your time doing as an adult? Working, watching tv, walking, taking pictures, talking to family, prosebox, etc

Describe yourself as a child: Light blonde hair, blue eyes. Chatty around loved ones, shy around anyone else. Adventurous I guess…climbing things, exploring things. Helper…I always had to help with something or my feelings would get hurt…emotional lol.

Describe yourself as an adult? Blue eyes, hair ever-changing, quiet but less shy. Not adventurous at all. I like things to be planned before happening, I need to know what to expect. I am very organized and a little OCD…maybe a lot. I still like helping people, but I’m very independent and hate asking for help…even when I need it. I am still emotional sometimes. I care about people. I still climb things, but not because I want to…but because I am short and sometimes I have to. :-)

Have you ever broken a bone? Yeah, I broke a rotary disc in my right elbow. Possibly fractured some ribs, didn’t go to the doctor for that one.

Have you ever dislocated anything? One of my wrists…when I decided to be stupid and stand on a basketball. I popped it back into place…disgusting.

What do you like to do on your days off? Relax, seriously…just…relax. Breathe. Enjoy the little things. Man I’m getting old.

Do you like to cook? What can you make? No…I did not inherit my mom’s love of cooking. I can cook, but I hate cooking. I can make spaghetti and meatballs, cookies, pies, cakes, chicken lo mein, beans, etc.

What homemade cooking did you love growing up? Spaghetti and meatballs. Chicken gravy and biscuits. Cinnamon rolls. Dinner rolls. Pizza.

How old are you? 28… that will soon be changing unfortunately

10 years ago, is this the way you thought life would be? Not at all. Far different than expected.

10 years ago, what was life like? I would’ve been 18…I moved to Texas, started working at Hallmark…life was changing for me in so many ways.

Where do you think you will be in 10 years? I don’t think that far ahead anymore. Things change too much and the future scares me.

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