The Struggle in Public

  • Oct. 4, 2017, 7:37 p.m.
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  • Public

I’ve been M.I.A. from this site for awhile. I’ll probably never get “caught up” with all of you.

Things have been different around here lately. I can’t remember the last time I wrote.

The days go by in a blur of anxiety or grief or stress or nothingness. It’s not depression so much as, I dunno, boredom??

Things with Liam were rough for a bit but we’ve come through on the other side, thank God.

In the time I was away I started and stopped selling LuLaRoe, I completed my masters of education, we’ve gone home numerous times, we went to Florida. I was finally able to get to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, we’re heading to the Outer Banks in a few days, and we’re coming up on the year passing of my gram.

I can’t come to terms with that. I feel all the feels about her, on an almost daily basis. I want to talk to her. I want to take my cares to her. I’ve got others, but there is something about a grandmother; there was about my grandmother.

And I said to myself, there is no point to writing the same things all the time. I rarely have something new to say, and I think everyone who reads (read) me on here knows me on Facebook. They ask already hear about my triumphs or failures, my happiness or my sadness.

I’m not even really sure why I’m writing today, I felt a need I guess.

I suppose I’ll go read some things now, see if I can join your lives again.

I privatized most old entries.

Last updated October 04, 2017

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