Hot Dog...! in Talk Story

  • July 21, 2016, 7:27 p.m.
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And greetings from an overcast and foggy day here on the southern coast of Oregon…

Early this morning I was informed that the authorities found the plane that crashed into the ocean near my home on the 4th of July… one body was found… as well as assorted stuff out of the aircraft…

Oh… the entry title… well… I decided to fix myself a hot dog for dinner… a beef frank… with mustard… and relish… and onions… and melted cheddar cheese… (yes… it tasted as good as it sounds)…

But the reason for this entry… is to share with you dear reader… the memories this meal evokes…

Cooking in the kitchen with my daughters… the silliness and laughter as we prepared the hot dogs…

Going camping… sitting around the campfire cooking hot dogs on a long stick… though truth be told… as I remember the skin of the hot dog got pretty black from the fire… but they tasted wonderful (or else I was really hungry)…

Going to 49er or Raider football games and getting a hot dog (well… I suppose those might have been polish dogs)… and I am here to testify that nothing tastes better than one at a sporting event (well… maybe the beer with it helps)…

Anyway… my dinner tasted pretty good… but the memories were even better…

Me ke aloha…

Deleted user July 21, 2016

I have a memory from when I was 18, buying a hot dog from a vendor in Grant Park while visiting Chicago. In the rain. Best hot dog I've ever had.

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 21, 2016

I've been told that Chicago dogs are the best...! (smiles)

Deleted user July 21, 2016

Oh man, do I ever love hot dogs. Actually, I also really like polish dogs. When I go to Costco sometimes I will get a polish dog. One day I was super hungry so I bought 2 polish dogs at Costco. Sweet memories you have of your hot dog moments. And the hot dog you had for dinner sounds good. I mean really good. Happy Hot Dog Jim!

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 21, 2016


dream seeker July 21, 2016

Food memories sometimes sneak up and surprise us. They make for some of the best meals. :)

Maui Jim dream seeker ⋅ July 21, 2016

Wonderful... could not have said it better myself...! (smiles)

ODSago July 22, 2016

Been a while since I cooked hot dogs, but bet they'll appear soon around here. I used to slice them horizontally and put cheese inside then, broil or bake them for my family's dinner plate sometimes. Yes, the kids loved them. Plus on rolls. No ketchup on mine either. Campfire blackened, yes! Just before the toasted marshmallows.

Maui Jim ODSago ⋅ July 22, 2016

Ooooooh... toasted marshmallows... guess I'll have to write an entry about those...! (smiles)

crystal butterfly July 22, 2016

Hot dogs with sauerkraut and grilled onions and spicy mustard. Or a wonderful chili dog with chopped onions. Yum. And I don't even like chili.

Maui Jim crystal butterfly ⋅ July 22, 2016

Okay... Okay... now you're making me hungry again...! (smiles)

TruNorth July 22, 2016

Regular hot dogs used to make me feel a bit pukey after eating them - then I tried hot dogs made without preservatives and felt just fine afterwards. I like mustard and relish on them. Not sure which preservatives bother me cause I'm ok with most other foods. Nice that you have these memories to enjoy.

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ July 22, 2016

Thank you...

Deleted user July 22, 2016

I just this minute ate a hot dog for lunch. :-)

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 22, 2016

Perfect...! (now see what we've started)...

middle age pearl July 23, 2016

Yum, blackened hot dog cooked over an open flame.

Maui Jim middle age pearl ⋅ July 23, 2016

It's really not that appealing when I'm cooking in the kitchen... but when I'm camping... well nothing better...! (smiles)

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