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Revised: 07/09/2016 2:47 p.m.

  • July 8, 2016, 4:31 p.m.
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The sitch with Rob:
He’s got himself a live-in job at an outdoor adventure centre. It’s very basic, it sounds like he has to share a tent, but it’s only for four weeks and the wage is £175 a week. I’m not entirely sure if he’s kitchen or cleaning staff, but he seems keen, that’s the main thing. He says that this will pay off his second house payment, then he’s got a job working for an agency that does Creamfields, again doing catering. As long as he’s having fun while he’s working, that’s the main thing.
He’s in his new house, yay! He’s sent us photos, it looks lovely. How long it stays that way, I’m not sure.

I’m in a Foo Fighters group of Facebook, a lovely lady there is suffering from terminal cancer. She’s decided to stop all treatment and just live her last few months, pain free, and do what she wants. She lives in the states, and the group started off raising enough for her to come to the UK to meet some of the group, but it’s gone crazy and we’ve raised three times that amount. The live reveal was epic and had me blubbing like a baby!

I’m shattered at the moment! Our post-flood refurbishment at work is starting tomorrow. Our shop goes up a couple of steps after the main entrance, so when we got flooded it was only really that bit that was affected. The floors are warped as are the bottoms of some of the units, but they weren’t that bad that we couldn’t trade. But now, over 8 months since it happened, the insurance company have finally agreed on the work Dawn wants to do. Only the front of the shop is to be closed, but it’s quite a big area, maybe 15’ by 15’, so everything that was down there has had to be moved up the steps or put away in the stock room. We also have a smaller stock room set out as a bit of the shop, but because it’s cut off from the rest of the shop, we have to accompany customers in there. It has taken us three days to get the stock moved and I’m exhausted! I’ve walked around 15,000 steps every day, and most of those were going up and down stairs with trays full of heavy stuff like Yankee candles. I’m glad it’s over and I’m secretly hoping, seeing as Dawn was told the work would only last a couple of weeks, that the stuff gets put back while I’m away on my holiday!

My gastritis is back. It’s trying to find time to go to the doctors that’s the problem…I might ride this episode out, as they usually only last a week or so, then see about getting an appointment when we come back from Scotland. When I’m like this, there are only certain foods I can face, usually bland and always white. I’ve been trying to bulk my plate up, but I get really painful if I eat the wrong thing. It’s been mostly rice, fish and mushrooms and only tiny portions. Even stuff I usually like like broccoli and peas sets my stomach off, but I managed a few grapes yesterday. This morning I woke up feeling REALLY sick and shaky, I guessed it’s because I had only consumed 500 calories in the entire day yesterday then had 14 hours with nothing at all except water a bit of Indian tonic. I managed a banana this morning, but even that took me about half an hour to eat. When I got to work I had a cup of tea with a sugar in (I shouldn’t really drink tea, caffeine also sets me off, but it was the only thing I fancied) and a malted milk biscuit and I felt a whole load better. Lunch was a low fat canneloni ready meal that I left half of because it tasted like flour paste, and I had a two egg omelette and a little bit of kipper for my dinner and I also had a couple of the kids’ chips. I now feel really bloated and horrible, but I refuse to wake up feeling sick again tomorrow! Reckon I’ve had close to 1,000 calories today. On the plus side, the weight has started to come off again, even though I’m not exercising. (I’m not exercising while I’m not eating, except all the walking I’m doing!) I’ve lost 10lb in 7 weeks, at least it’s going in the right direction! Just another 35lb to go. :/

I’m shattered, my feet hurt, I’m cold. Outside the wind is howling and there is sideways rain. I’m off to light a joss stick and have a bath I think. I have no plans for tonight or tomorrow, I might even get a lie in. :)

Last updated July 09, 2016

Bomb Shell July 11, 2016

I'm glad Rob got into his house, the photos do look nice on Facebook, it's probably a tip already lol. Following in his mum's footsteps working in an outdoor adventure place! :o)

I hope you feel better soon. At least you're looking on the bright side with the weight loss, and most of what you can eat is healthy. Except for the lack of vegetables... :o(

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ July 11, 2016

We went out for lunch yesterday, I ate almost a whole child's portion of roast beef. I ate carrots, mash and cauliflower without feeling too rough. Aren't I a good lass? ;)

Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ July 11, 2016

Well done! I'll send you a sticker.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ July 11, 2016

I want a certificate!

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