The day after... in Talk Story

  • July 3, 2016, 1:58 p.m.
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My thoughts last night after the last guest left:

The party was a lot of fun… and is now over…

And I’m tired… much more work setting up/taking stuff down than I remembered from the previous years…

Though several people did stay and help me clean up and put chairs and tables away…

I know my guests had a good time… because most of them said to me as they left: “you are going to invite us again next year… right !”…

The dishes that people brought to share… were both creative… and plentiful… though not a lot of left overs…

Several bottles of nice wine were opened and shared as well…

As I look back on yesterday’s get-together… I am once again reminded of just how fortunate I am… to have such nice friends…

I hope that you are enjoying this weekend… and that you enjoy the 4th as well…

Me ka pumehana…

ConnieK July 03, 2016

Our holidays are quiet now. Life waves, I suppose.

dream seeker July 03, 2016

Good friends like that truly are a blessing, and I have no doubt that they all view you that way as well.

Maui Jim dream seeker ⋅ July 03, 2016

OH... thank you... I do try to be a good friend also...

aunty EM July 03, 2016

Was watching a "fly-over" on PBS (or one of those "educational" channels) and the show featured your state. I enjoyed seeing how beautiful it is. Got excited when they got to your city. Thought about your party and some of the things you have written on our shared blogs over the past, what?, 12, 13 years. And I smiled.

middle age pearl July 04, 2016

Good friend are indeed a blessing!

Maui Jim middle age pearl ⋅ July 04, 2016

Amen...! (smiles)

Deleted user July 04, 2016

You mean you have no left overs in your refrigerator? Darn! I was hoping you had lots of wonderful food to eat with the upcoming week. I can only imagine the wide variety of food that was served. Did you have potato salad and deviled eggs? Two of my favorites.

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 04, 2016

Three people made/brought deviled eggs... but no potato salads... lots of other salads and pasta dishes though...

Deleted user Maui Jim ⋅ July 04, 2016

Gotta love those pasta dishes. :)

Deleted user July 04, 2016

Did you bbq your world famous Maui Jim chicken?

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 04, 2016

No... instead I did my infamous Maui Jim's Hawaiian style meatballs with sauce... (smiles)

Deleted user Maui Jim ⋅ July 04, 2016

Would you be willing to share your infamous Maui Jim's Hawaiian style meatballs (with sauce) recipe with us? Or are you keeping it under lock and key? If that's the case, I'm coming to your next 4th of July festivities so I can have some.

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 04, 2016

Hmmmm... I really don't give out my "secret" recipes... but perhaps in time I "might" make an exception with you... (or not)...

TruNorth July 04, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ July 04, 2016

And to you as well...
Lots of noise here... lots of stuff being set off in town... and going to get a lot louder as the day turns to night...

crystal butterfly July 05, 2016

Would have missed the potato salad. I'm not much of a pasta salad fan. But that would helped me not to over eat. Maybe. Glad you had a good turnout and they all enjoyed.

Maui Jim crystal butterfly ⋅ July 05, 2016

Thank you... yes... it was lots of fun...! (smiles)

Deleted user July 08, 2016

glad your party was a huge success !

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 10, 2016

Thank you... it seems all the guests had a nice time...

Spilledperfume July 08, 2016

Wine and good food with friends is a great way to spend the day.

Maui Jim Spilledperfume ⋅ July 09, 2016

Absolutely... even if I ate a little too much food... and perhaps... just perhaps... drank a little too much wine... (smiles)

Spilledperfume Maui Jim ⋅ July 09, 2016

You can never have too much wine. ;-)

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