The southern coast of Oregon in Talk Story

  • June 29, 2016, 3:12 p.m.
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Most mornings it has been very overcast and foggy… with the marine layer having moved on shore… though the temperature remains quite warm… mid 50s…

By afternoon the mist has burned off… leaving a bright blue sky… a brilliant sun… and the temperature in the high 70s…

I work (play) in my garden before noon… drive into town to enjoy lunch with friends… then return home after running errands… to sit out on my deck and read…

My legs are getting tan again… not like the tan I had when I lived on Maui… but getting close…

Early evening I drive down to the harbor… walk out on the south jetty… sit and watch the boats returning from a day of fishing or crabbing…

As I sit there… I see both seals and sea lions swimming in the river… and sometimes a family of river otters…

Lots of birds… lots and lots of birds…

Often my neighbor’s dog goes with me… sits at my feet… and begs for the pieces of dog biscuits I keep on me to reward him for his good behavior…

At times… my life is so very good…

Smiles/Aloha oe…

Deleted user June 29, 2016

So glad for you !

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ June 29, 2016

Thank you...

Maui Jim June 29, 2016

Roseoftexas June 29, 2016

middle age pearl June 29, 2016

The "nice" times are to be tucked in our hearts and minds to help through the less than nice times. So glad this was a "tucker".

Maui Jim middle age pearl ⋅ June 29, 2016

Yes... so very true...! (smiles)

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm June 29, 2016

What a wonderful life you have!! Life can be so simple and easy at times. It's good when it's like that when you're a bit older. Mine is simple, easy and uncomplicated. Love it! Take care,

Maui Jim Silent Echo/Quiet Storm ⋅ June 29, 2016

Simple sure works for me...! (smiles)

dream seeker June 29, 2016

It sounds beautiful! Pretty smart dog to figure out that you keep those treats for him. :)

Maui Jim dream seeker ⋅ June 29, 2016

Yes... I've become his favorite human (when it's just the two of us)...

aunty EM June 29, 2016


Julia June 30, 2016

It sounds just perfect.

Maui Jim Julia ⋅ June 30, 2016

Close... very close...! (smiles)

TruNorth July 01, 2016

La dolce vita!

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ July 01, 2016

At times... very much so... (smiles)

Deleted user July 04, 2016

I bet you were definitely tan when you lived in Maui. I'll always remember my Maui Beach Day. The water was still and so very lovely in the morning but when that wind kicked up in the afternoon, it truly became a tad bit dangerous.

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 04, 2016

Yes... as you found out... most mornings are calm... but the afternoons can be a bit rough...

Deleted user Maui Jim ⋅ July 04, 2016

The afternoons sure can be a bit rough. Really, there was no one swimming in the ocean in the afternoon. But in the morning? Delightful. Everyone was just standing in the water chatting. There was a small wave now and again but nothing to speak of. It was just lovely and the water was so refreshing. I think the Monterey Peninsula is as pretty as Hawaii but Hawaii has one thing that the Monterey Peninsula doesn't have - amazingly clear and refreshing ocean water to swim in. Oh, and the tropical fish and coral reefs. I loved it! Sure wish I could have another Maui Morning Beach Day. Aloha. I feel like a true Hawaiian now that I can say I've been to Hawaii. :)

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 04, 2016

Yes... but you and I will always be known as "Haole"... which by the way is not a derogatory term... it just means a caucasian...
But... you will also be known as He wahine u'i...
Of course while I lived there... I was also kama'aina...
Aloha oe...

Deleted user Maui Jim ⋅ July 04, 2016

What does He wahine u'i and kama'aina mean?

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 04, 2016

You'll just have to google it...! (smiles)

Deleted user Maui Jim ⋅ July 04, 2016

I was able to find out what kama'aina means - long term resident of Hawaii. Yep, you definitely have been that. I'm having trouble determining what He wahine u'i means. I saw songs by the name but really no definition. Can you help me out?

Maui Jim Deleted user ⋅ July 04, 2016

Sure: A beautiful woman...!

Deleted user Maui Jim ⋅ July 04, 2016


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