Be a Helper in Musings

  • June 14, 2016, 5:27 p.m.
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My heart is so heavy. There have been so many tragic events recently. The girl who was shot at her own concert. The mass shooting in Orlando. And there’s currently something going on in my own hometown.

Early Sunday morning a little boy left his house while his parents were sleeping. He is 8 years old, Autistic, and non verbal. He was spotting a couple times on surveillance cameras in his area wandering on his own so that’s why there is no suspicion of an abduction. It just so happened this day that there was a huge storm in our town which resulted in major flooding. Our street looked like a river. Searches have been conducted and they found the pj pants he was wearing in a creek. It’s now Tuesday evening and he hasn’t been found.

It tears my heart in two to imagine what the boy’s mom is going through. Even though this is an incident where no foul play is suspected, it’s still just so sad and scary. Leah recently learned how to operate the locks on our doors at home. I think how awful it would if something like this happened to her. I can hardly bear the thought.

When I was pregnant with Leah, there was a tragedy in our town as well. Three young teens decided to take the life of a man for absolutely no reason. Just because they wanted to kill. It made me question what I was thinking bringing a kid into this mess of a world. And I’ll admit that I have been thinking the same thing recently while being pregnant again with my second child.

But I read a quote by Mr Rogers yesterday, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping”

And it’s true. In all the tragic events there have been people so willing to give of their time and money to help those effected. In my hometown there has been an outpouring of love for the family of this little boy. There have also been people who are making sure to take good care of law enforcement and rescue teams by feeding them, giving them fresh dry clothes, and volunteering to help in whatever way they can. There have been nightly candlelight vigils.

So I guess I can chose to look for the helpers and to be a helper myself in the midst of all of this madness. It’s better than being a worrier or a complainer like I usually am.

I also just want to say if anyone reading this was impacted by what happened in Orlando, my heart is with you. I can’t understand why people chose hate like they do. I can’t wrap my brain around it at all. I hope one day we can learn to just let people love who they want without all this discrimination

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Star Maiden June 15, 2016

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