See me do my exercises in Hello.

Revised: 06/16/2016 11:03 a.m.

  • June 16, 2016, 9:46 a.m.
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I’ve not been writing about my exercising as I’m one for throwing myself head long into a New Thing™ and getting bored and abandoning it as quick as I started.
I’ve been dieting now for almost four weeks. The Dukan worked for me five years ago and I lost an incredible three stone over the course of six months, which has crept back on. During this time I wasn’t working and I found it easy to stick to. But now I am working, restricting my carb intake so strictly simply leaves me lethargic, grumpy and suffering from
So I decided to not limit the foods I eat and just limit my calorie intake to 1200 and 1500 a day. It started off pretty tricky. Where I work, everyone has a sweet tooth and likes baking, so there’s always sweets, cakes and biscuits laying around. That was hard to avoid. But if I tried to keep that stuff out completely I know I’d fall flat, so I’ll have the occasional biscuit, but make sure I’m still within my calorie allowance for that day. A plain digestive or a choc chip Maryland cookie contain around 100 calories. But I’m not eating 4 a day like I was before.
Breakfast is a banana and a boiled egg, lunch is a huge salad with chicken, tuna or turkey ham and dinner is lean meat with a couple of potatoes and a huge pile of veg. I’m trying to cut down on my meat intake and substituting it for pulses or veggie burgers. I’m not really a fan of
meat substitutes like Quorn, I’d rather bulk up on vegetables. I’m drinking a lot of water and I’ve also bought myself an infuser just to make it more interesting! (Plus we sell them at work, so it’s a good way of advertising them!) I started off finding it difficult differentiating between not hungry and full, so that’s proven difficult. But I’m getting there, drinking a glass of water before I start eating.
The thing I’m really surprised with myself about is I’ve never been a fan of exercise and now I’m exercising loads!. I do do a lot of waking, I like climbing mountains and walking miles and miles on my own. But I decided I needed to do more. I’ve started gentle though, I don’t want to injure myself, especially as I’m considerably overweight. I feel quite a bit of pressure in my knees when I’m on my feet all day, so I didn’t want to start running till I’d lost a bit of weight first. So I’ve been using the turbo trainer every other day, using the couch to five k app to alternate between normal and fast pedaling. I’m at the end of week two. The other alternate evenings I’ve been doing a high intensity workout, 3 circuits of a 7 minute routine that blasts you through 30 seconds of exercise with 15 seconds of rest. But each exercise is followed by one that doesn’t use the same muscles, like you’d do jumping jacks followed by a wall sit followed by crunches.
On top of these exercises, I’m walking at least 11,000 steps a day and doing triceps toning exercises with my weights. I started with just my triceps because they were really weak, I couldn’t do the tricep dips as part of my routine. After just a week, I can now do them! This has spurred me onwards, a few seconds every day is all it took. My tummy is feeling “tighter” too, even though it’s still hiding under a layer of blubber.
I can’t believe I’m actually looking forward to exercising at the end of the day, especially as seeing results was so quick!

I’ve lost half a stone (7lb) in just over three weeks. The first week nothing j happened at all, which was a bit disheartening, but all of a sudden my weight just seemed to drop off, half a pound a day is fine by me!

Last updated June 16, 2016

Bumbly June 16, 2016

:) go you!

Bomb Shell June 16, 2016

I just clicked on your name because I thought you hadn't written for a while, and it turns out you have but it didn't come up in my bookmarks!

Strange I decided to look just now when you've written for the first time in three weeks...

That's the thing with exercise, so many people give up really quickly because they don't enjoy it, but if you push through the first bit, then it starts to become enjoyable. I've always hated running but started doing it to improve my fitness for roller derby. I've been doing it for a few months now and it's only in the last few days I've started to enjoy it as now I can run 5k, I've starting to try and beat my previous time and it's making it more exciting! :o)

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