Out of My Sickbed in Muddling Through As Best I Can

  • May 21, 2016, 11:22 p.m.
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  • Public

Monday my foster daughter Kelly called about 12:30 am to tell me her daughter Isabelle had to go to the emergency room and she needed a ride. Isabelle, who is 12, has been my adopted granddaughter since birth, so there’s no way I would say no. We made the trip and after 7 hours of waiting, found out she had a severe urinary tract infection. We got her the proper medications from the pharmacy and thought that was that. Then I began to run a fever. Apparently I picked up a bug in the emergency room. I ran fever for three days and have been congested. Pneumonia. Yay.
Not at all Isabelle or Kelley’s fault, but it has still been a long week. Several missed days of work, medication, inhaler treatments, etc. and I am feeling much better except for lingering congestion in my lungs.
I did get approved for a planned vacation in the hill country, but found out today I put in for the wrong week.
So, I’ll go in on Monday and try to change it. It’s just been that kind of week.
We have (hopefully) our final mediation on Wednesday the 25th for custody of my granddaughter Raina. Please send prayers and positive thoughts our way.
I have agreed to speak before the Houston mayor, city council and about 300 guests for Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) next month also. I have never done anything like this, so cross your fingers for me. I sound like Jethro from the Beverly Hillbilly’s when I talk. Southern accents aren’t always as cute as they make them seem on television. I’m feeling a little trepidation about my public speaking debut, but if it helps keep even one drunken driver off the road, it’s worth it.
Anyway, not much else of note going on, just wanted to check in before bedtime. It’s nearly 11:30 pm CST here, so I’m off to bed now. Take care all, I’ll be back soon.

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