Long time no llama in It's a llittle llazy over here

  • Feb. 23, 2016, 5:12 p.m.
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  • Public

It’s almost March.

Work feels like I’m tap dancing on quicksand. Technically I’m on top of everything, but all the while I’m waiting for things to go wrong very badly very fast. It’s performance review time again, which doesn’t improve my mood much.

Having to go down to London a lot more often doesn’t help either. It’s not such a bad commute, really, but it still means getting up too early and going to bed far too late.

Ugh. Lot of late nights lately. Writing a lot, but it takes up a lot of web-surfing/slobbing time. . .

It is going to be a looooong year, this one. We have a holiday planned out for early November - probably Hong Kong. I went for work, but it’d be nice to actually go for a proper holiday with the good lady. It’s months and months away, though, so we’ll have to do something in the meantime.

Llamas remain awesomeness, to the surprise of nobody.


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