Saturday in Talk Story

  • March 19, 2016, 12:13 p.m.
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Easy Diary seems a bit quiet these days… only a few diarists seem to be leaving entries… oh well… great for those of us who still write there I suppose…

I really enjoy Prosebox… but am reluctant to leave E.D. completely…

I went through a very difficult few days early in the week… a medical issue… now resolved (in a good way) but very scary for me when it first happened…

Living alone as I do… not really having someone close to talk with… made it all the more daunting…

Oh well… it is now in the past (smiles)…

We have had a (very) short break in the rainy weather that we been experiencing… but as I get set to hit “save”… there is no rain… and the sky is just overcast…

I hope you have a fun and safe weekend…! (smiles)

Aloha oe…

middle age pearl March 19, 2016

Yes, I have noticed very little activity at ED too. Kinda sad really and I intend to cross post, then figure what's the point? I do go over there to check any updates on what Eric may have done, but so far, I haven't seen anything. I think we will, but the sad thing is the longer it takes the fewer will return.
Glad your medical scare was fixed and your scare is over. Yep, know how it is not to have someone to talk to about stuff. Ah well, that is why I have diaries. lol

Maui Jim middle age pearl ⋅ March 19, 2016

Yes... exactly...! (smiles)

Roseoftexas Maui Jim ⋅ March 20, 2016

Yes, why not!

🌻StillJustMe🌸 March 19, 2016

I, too, am glad your medical issue is resolved.

Maui Jim 🌻StillJustMe🌸 ⋅ March 19, 2016

Thank you...! (smiles)

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm March 19, 2016

and it's me living alone that have prompted angela and kurt to insist that i live with them when we move to tennessee. right now, i live next door. we share a driveway. i see somebody at least once a day. still, when i fell and busted my knee, no one was around. i called angela from her client to come to me. if she had been far away, not exactly sure what would have happened. living alone is scary. if i died in my sleep, no one would find me for at least a day. and that's scary. glad whatever your medical problem was, has been settled for the good. take care,

Maui Jim Silent Echo/Quiet Storm ⋅ March 19, 2016

For me... it's more of an emotional need to share my circumstances with someone...

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm Maui Jim ⋅ March 20, 2016

i think that's why i write here so much and every day. i have this need to let somebody know what's going on with me. i also make lots of phone calls to family and friends. guess we have the same need but, different methods of achieving it. whatever works, i say. take care,

dream seeker March 19, 2016

I'm so glad your medical issue is resolved. This living alone thing isn't for the weak-hearted is it? :(

Maui Jim dream seeker ⋅ March 19, 2016

Nope... but I am working at it...! (smiles)

Roseoftexas March 20, 2016

I'm glad you're ok Jim...♥

Maui Jim Roseoftexas ⋅ March 20, 2016

Thank you...

ODSago March 21, 2016

I have concerns about that issue...being ill while living alone...glad if your medical situation is manageable or not as bad as it could longer an problem in the way it could have been, anyway.

Maui Jim ODSago ⋅ March 21, 2016

Yes... I'm doing a whole lot better...! (smiles)

TruNorth March 21, 2016

Glad to hear you are doing better. Obviously you don't want to share the nature of the medical issue. I've followed you for many years and for the last several years you've become quite guarded about what you write. I don't know if this is prompted by privacy concerns or something else. I hope all is well with you. You seem to have made friends in Oregon and I hope things are working out for you there.

Maui Jim TruNorth ⋅ March 21, 2016

Things here on the coast... are the best possible for me... nice friends... right on the ocean... sort of okay financially... and though health issues have been a bit of a challenge... I am doing much better... yes... you are correct... I am reluctant to share a lot about my life... sad about loss of family... a bit frustrated by some other things... but overall... well... the word I would choose is "joyous"... and by the way... thanks for asking................! (smiles)

^..^Kat March 22, 2016

I'm glad you got your medical issues sorted. I thought ED was closing down?

Maui Jim ^..^Kat ⋅ March 22, 2016

Nope... Eric is still trying to make a go of it...! (smiles)

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