Howdy in Hello.

  • March 13, 2016, 7:14 a.m.
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So I got a new tattoo on Friday. Just a little one this time. You may or may not know I have a slight obsession with Dave Grohl (if you didn’t know, where have you been?) so I wanted to get something Grohl related. I got this heart from the One By One album:
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It’s all bruised today, something I’ve not had with a tattoo before!
For some reason, everyone at work has suddenly become interested in my tattoos and keep asking me to show them off. I think it’s because they’re all hidden under my uniform, even though they’re fairly big, and I’ve never been one for flaunting them about. Everyone I work with is quite conservative (but nice!) so I think they see me as some kind of rebel, haha!
I bought myself a posh watch the other day. I’m not usually one for jewellery, but working in a shop that sells it means I see a lot of nice (and even more downright tacky!) bits and bobs. I got a voucher for my birthday from my colleagues, and I’ve been saving it until we got in something I really liked. The Olivia Burton watches are nice, they’re a simple design and some of them have birds or bees on them. I got this one. With my staff discount and voucher, I only paid £47.50 for it! :)
You know, I’m really liking my job. I think this is the first job I’ve had in ages where I haven’t still been looking for an alternative. It’s really convenient (literally two minute walk from my front door!), it’s easy and everyone I work with is really laid back. There’s no pressure to get things done quickly, as I’ve had in the past, they prefer you to take your time and do a job well, so I’ve been practising my merchandising skills. My boss always compliments me on my displays, so I’m obviously doing something right! There’s no one breathing down anyone’s neck, I get asked to do a job and get left alone to do it. It’s so relaxing, especially as we have those “relaxing” CDs playing and oil burners making the shop smell lovely.
I’ll be happy if I can stay there and do my voluntary guided walk leading on my days off.
I’m looking forward to being able to drive now. I can honestly say it’s never bothered me, but now I’m actually doing it and have access to a car, I’m excited about passing my test and being able to do my own thing.
I was almost involved in an accident the other day on my driving lesson, it was so scary! I’d just come off the roundabout and was almost at 60 (not quite, I’m still a wee bit slow at getting up to speed!) when my driving instructor said “foot off the accelerator! Pull in to the left!” I almost crapped myself, I hadn’t heard any emergency vehicles, I thought the car was on fire or something! So as I pulled in, this twat in a van overtook me at speed, missing an oncoming lorry by a couple of feet. My driving instructor told me I’d just saved his life…but I was a bit upset that I hadn’t seen the build up myself. He said it’s ok, I can’t be held responsible for all the morons on the road and the crisis was averted. Eep!
I’m actually enjoying lessons now, when I first started I hated it…I actually considered giving them up, but I spoke to my instructor and he said it’s normal to feel like that, one day it will all click into place and I’ll start to enjoy myself. He was right!

Bomb Shell March 13, 2016

Bruising is fine, just look out for signs of infection, this is a good article for aftercare :o)

That's a good discount on the watch!

Huh, there are loads of idiots like that on the road around here, I have a near miss like that about three or four times every single day. But it never stops being scary and I always get SO angry about it. Don't worry about not seeing him, if he was going that fast you probably wouldn't have had time to spot him anyway.

Bumbly March 13, 2016

Love the tattoo :-)

I nearly hit a motorbike the other day because he decided to overtake on a blind corner towards oncoming traffic. Scary!

puffin March 13, 2016

I really love Olivia Burton watches - my friend has that one and also one with flowers on, so pretty! Xx

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